Chapter 31

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Rick's POV
The sound of a car horn made me shoot out of the tent, leaving Lori and Carl. As I came out, Shane walked out of his tent throwing me a flashlight. We each took a side of the car where the alarm had come from.

With my gun raised, I walked alongside the drivers side of the car. I took a step and my foot met something. I pointed my flashlight to the ground, seeing that I had ran into something.

There laid someone who was badly beaten, blood covering their face and arms. As I brought the flashlight slowly up to the person face, a wave of horror ran through me.

It was Sarah.

"Shane!" I called out, kneeling down beside her. I put down my gun and put my hand to her cheek, trying to get her awake. I grabbed her wrist and felt for a pulse. It was faint. Thank god.

I lifted her into my arms and Shane ran over to the drivers side of the car. He walked in front of me, the flashlight pointed at the limp body in my arms. His face turned pale at the sight.

"It's Sarah." the words made the blood in my veins run cold. Just the other day we had all given her up for dead and here she was, lying limp in my arms.

Pretty soon almost everyone was awake. I saw Glenn, who when he saw the person lying in my arms, ran over to where Daryl had set his camp. I knew this was going to be a long night. Hopefully, she will make it.

Daryl's POV

I laid there awake, staring at the hole in roof of the tent which let in some of the moonlight. I had let my eyes close when I heard scuffling outside. I sat up and grabbed my knife. I unzipped the tent and jumped out, ready to shove my knife into whatever was out there.

A sudden burst of light shot in my face, blinding me. I saw a figure standing in front of me when I finally realized who it was.

"Jesus man, don't you got somethin' better to do then wakin' me up in the middle of the night?" I growled at Glenn.

"You gotta come quick." with that Glenn ran back to the house, leaving me with more questions.

"Idiot" I mumbled under my breath. I grabbed my crossbow and flashlight before making my way to the house. There outside was almost everyone wrapped up in blankets, rubbin' there eyes to get themselves to wake up.

Rick came walking out of the house which had almost all the lights on. He seemed pale and a look of anger or guilt on his face.

"Alright everyone, just go back to bed." Rick called out. Everyone shrugged and started back to their tents. I turned to start walking back.

"Daryl, can I see you a sec?" Rick called out from behind me. I was too tired to deal with this shit. I turned back around and followed Rick into the house.

"What?" I asked, pissed that Glenn woke me up for no goddamn reason. Rick nodded his for me to follow him and he lead me into the dining room where Shane sat in a chair, his head in his hands.

Rick headed down a hall further into the house and I followed. He stopped in front of a door and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Rick?" I asked, becoming mad at all this bullshit.

Rick looked up at me and opened the door to the room. He walked in and stood there. I walked into the room and saw Hershel and Maggie walking back and forth around the room. On the bed, I could see that there was someone there, covered in blood and dirt.

"Who is it?" I asked. Rick looked up at me with a concerned face, but reached into his pocket. He pulled out what seemed a long string covered in blood and dropped it in my hand.

I looked down at the piece of string, realizing that there was something on the end of it. I picked off the blood and dirt covered object. I wiped away as much dirt as I could until I realized what was.

It was the wooden arrowhead that I had carved for Sarah. But, she is dead. I looked up at Rick, who had a look of pure sadness on his face.

I pointed to the person lying in the bed, covered in blood. "Is that..." I couldn't say it. Rick just nodded.

"Its Sarah."

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