Chapter 75

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Maggie's POV

"What the hell is he doing here!" Glenn shouted, pulling out his gun.

"He tried to kill me!" Michonne yelled.

"Hold on! Calm down!" Rick yelled, earning a chuckle from Merle.

"Back up!" Daryl yelled at Michonne and Glenn.

" Man, looks like you've gone native brother!" Merle laughed.

"Anymore than you back there hanging with that psycho!" Daryl turned to face his brother.

"Yeah, he's a charmer, I'll give you that. He's been gettin' in real good with your friend Andrea big time" Merle laughed.

"Andrea's in Woodbury?"

"Right next to the Governor." Daryl answered. Michonne takes a step forward with her sword raised.

"Drop it! You know Andrea?" asked Rick.

"Yes sir, she and blondie spent all winter snuggling up in the forest. My Nubian queen here and two pet walkers. No arms, cut off the jaws, kept them in chains. Kind of ironic when you think about it."

"Shut up, man!" Daryl yells.

"Andrea was close to dyin' when we found these two in the woods. What ya goin' to do now, Sheriff? Surround by a bunch of liars, cowards and thieves..."

Rick hits Merle in the back of the head with his gun and Merle falls to the ground. Rick gave Daryl a look and he nods. We all walk to the road to discuss what to do with Merle.

"This isn't going to work." Glenn says.

"Its gotta. Governor's probably on his way to the prison. Merls knows how he thinks, and we could use the extra muscle." Daryl replies.

"I don't want him at the prison." I say.

"There's no way Merle's gonna live there without having everybody at each other's throats." says Rick.

"So we're goin' to bring back the last samurai home with us and cut Merle loose?" Daryl scoffs.

"She ain't coming back with us."

"She is in no condition to be on her own." I reply.

"I ain't leavin' him behind. Merle is blood." Daryl says.

"Daryl, look. I know he is your blood, but he isn't your family. My family is here and back at the prison. And there is no way that Merle can be a part in that!" Glenn

"Well my family is rotting back at Woodbury! Merle's all I got left!" Daryl's voice cracked. Michonne and Glenn looked around before realizing what he meant.

"What happened?" Michonne asked. I pushed back the tears that threatened to come.

"She's just...Sarah's gone." Daryl sighed, looking down to the ground. There was nothing I could do to console Daryl, knowing that he wasn't one to really be consoled.

"Look, there has to be some way we can work this out." Rick put in.

"How? After what Merle's done?" Glenn added.

"Enough. Merle is goin' to come back to the prison with us until this thing with the Governor is finished. We're gonna need all the help we can get. After this is all over, Merle and I will leave. Ain't nothin' to discuss." and with that Daryl ended the conversation to go and talk to Merle.

Glenn opened his mouth to fight back but I grabbed his arm in protest. Glenn understood and we all got ready to go back to the prison. We needed to deal with all of this at home with the rest of the group. We all needed to mourn together. Especially one person in particular. Even though Daryl wouldn't admit it to us or even himself, I know that he must be in some pain. If anything were to happen to Glenn I don't know how I would make it.

Daryl and Merle walked back towards the car, Merle sending glares towards Rick and the rest of us. We all got in the car and headed back to the safety of the prison. After about an hours drive, we finally made it back through the deafening silence of the car. It was hard to ignore but it was loud.

After entering the courtyard, Daryl stomped into the prison with Merle on his heels. Carol walked up to me and looked in the car only to find someone missing.

"Where's Oscar? Sarah?" Carol asked.

I just shook my head and hopped back into the car. Glenn drove the car up to where we had the rest of the cars and we all gathered in the commons area. Rick locked Merle in a cell so that we were able to talk about in him private.

"Merle is going to stay with us until this thing with the Governor is over." Rick sighed.

"Then what is going to happen to him?" Carol asked .

"Then Merle and Daryl are going to leave together. It's Daryl's choice to leave." Rick answered.

There was murmuring between everyone but I watched Daryl sitting on the stairs awkwardly, chewing his fingernails. Everyone was fighting over wanting him to stay but he must feel like there is now no reason for him to be here anymore.

"Wait! Where's Sarah!" a small voice called out. I turned and saw Carl standing in the entrance of the cell block. There was fear in his eyes of what he knew was the truth. Rick just shook his head, unable to tell his son the painful truth. But how could he tell his son something he couldn't even believe himself.

"She's dead." Daryl growled before stomping out of the cell block.

So finally an update! Don't me mad at me, I know it sucks but I wanted to give you all something to read to hold you all over for a little bit. Hope you like it. Guess what? It is my birthday in a few days! May 10! Only a few more days! Very excited. I hope to update again before then. I love seeing all the comments! There are more and more every chapter so I hope we can keep it going, love hearing everyone's feedback about my story. I know right now it sucks but I have a plan for it. I know exactly where it is going! Your going to love it!!!!!! Don't forget...


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