Chapter 49

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It was a quiet drive, more awkward silence that anything. I watched the trees fly along with the minutes. Rick pulled the car to the side of the road and turned off the engine.

All three of us stepped out of the truck and I took out my knife from my boot, just in case needed it.

"I'm gonna go check the area, see if its a good place to release the prisoners. Be back in twenty minutes or so." Rick said and walked into the woods, leaving Daryl and I alone.

There was an awkward silence between us, so I leaned on the car door keeping an eye out for walkers.

"You and Jessica are a cute couple. She looked nice in your shirt..." I joked. Saying those words hurt, but I knew that they would push Daryl's buttons.

"Shut up..." he growled. I laughed at his insecurity, it was so cute.

"No really, I think your children will be beautiful!" I laughed again. I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt. He pushed my shoulder causing me to where I lost my footing for a second, but I kept on laughing. He kept a straight face, telling me that he was really mad.

"I'm sorry. Seriously through, I'm happy your happy." I leaned back onto the car beside Daryl, he was looking through the scope on his crossbow nervously.

"Are you happy?" I asked. He looked to me and I realized what came out of my mouth. I waved my hand in the air and turned to walk to the other side of the car.

"Never mind!" I said waving my hand in the air. Daryl grabbed my arm and turned me to face him.

"You think I'm happy?" Daryl snapped at me, but realized what he had done. He left go of my arm and I sat in the car with the door open, Daryl leaned against the open door. A little smirk came upon his face.

"You jealous?" he asked, his grin growing bigger.

"You think I'm jealous?" I laughed. He was so wrong, I wasn't jealous. I was afraid.

"Yep. Are you?" Daryl asked. We both spotted Rick coming out of the woods, waving to us to signal it was him.

"No, Daryl. I'm not jealous. It's the opposite, I'm just afraid of loosing you." with that I shut the car door and waited for Rick to get in the car so we could go. Daryl stood outside the car looking at me through the window, then got in the car with Rick.

"Everything ok?" Rick asked, seeing both Daryl and I.

"Its fine. Where are we goin' next?" I asked Rick. Daryl sat in the passenger seat staring at the dashboard.

"A little connivence store down the road aways. Might as well get some supplies while were out here." Rick said. He started the engine to the truck and we drove down the road for about ten minutes or so before I was bored out of my mind. Its too damn silent.

I found a CD case under the seat and picked out a random CD. I read the name of the CD, Coldplay.

"Hey Rick, put this in. Number two." I handed the CD to Rick and he put it in, and put on the song. The song, Fix You.

As the song played, I remembered Daryl's and I's first kiss at the CDC. How his lips felt on mine and how it felt to be in his arms. Tears brimmed in my eyes when I heard the last verse of the song,

"And I will fix you." I closed my eyes and listened to the last verse. I looked over at Daryl. Of course he acted like he couldn't hear, but I tell he did by the way he was biting his thumbnails. Rick saw it too and handed me the CD afterwords.

We finally made it to the connivence store and there was about five walkers, easy enough to take out. I hoped out of the truck and pulled out my knife, ready to kill the walkers.

"Stay back." Daryl called over to me with Rick at his side. An arrow shot past my head and into the first walkers skull, killing it instantly.

"I can take care of myself." I shoved my knife into the female's walkers head while Rick took care of the rest with some help from Daryl.

"I can take care of myself, don't need your help." I snapped at Daryl as I walked towards the little store doors. Daryl and Rick walked over and banged on the windows and we waited for any walkers that might be roaming inside the store.

"Here's the plan. Sarah, you and Daryl go inside and grab anything that might be useful. Food, water, medicine, you two got it right?" Rick asked. Daryl and I nodded back and entered the little store, out weapons drawn. Rick would keep watch outside.


Daryl pointed to one side of store, signaling for me to go one way and he the other. It was very dark, only some light from outside shining in. I nodded and pulled out my knife, ready if need be. There were no walkers on my side of the store, but I heard the sound of Daryl's bow across the store, a few isles away. I signaled to Daryl that it was clear and started clearing the shelves of anything that I might be useful and put it in my bag.

Once the shelves were clear, I grabbed my bag and walked to the front of the store.

"Daryl?" I whispered his name, but instead was met by a blood-covered walker, ready to make me lunch. It reached out its arms and grabbed me, trying to pull me closer to its drooling mouth.

"D...Daryl!" I screamed for help because I couldn't grab my knife. I tripped back and fell along with the walker, its snarling and trying to rip into my throat.

I quickly grabbed my knife and stabbed it in its rotting skull, falling limp onto me. I shoved it off and sat up, seeing Daryl staring at me.

"You just watching?" I yelled at him.

"Didn't look like you needed any help." he said and turned back down the isle. That asshole! He didn't care if I died or not, he probably didn't love me anymore.

I got up and picked up the bag and went outside. I was done with him and him being a complete jerk. I stepped into the sun and walked over to Rick, who was standing near the car.

"You alright?" he asked, seeing the blood on me.

"Yeah, just a walker. Daryl wasn't much help." I sighed. Rick laughed.

"What?" I snapped.

"Nothing. You two..." he gave a light chuckle. I punched his arm and we waited for Daryl outside.



Dun...dun...daaaaa!!! A cliffhanger! You have no idea how happy I am right now! I got my iPad to turn on!!! Big thanks to my mom who helped me deal with my technology problems. Yes..she reads this story...

So...I had a hard time writing the next chapter because of what happens next, but I won't spoil anything. Any ideas what might happen?

Don't forget...COMMENT, VOTE!!!!

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