Chapter 24

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I woke up bright and early, but just laid in the tent. I couldn't bring myself to get up. My body felt heavy, like something was holding me dow. Once I finally got up, I put on some new fresh clothes and walked to the house. I spotted Lori and Rick talking with Carol. They must have gotten up early go get some food. I headed over to them, wanting to see if there was anything I could do.

"Hey." Rick nodded over to me. He seemed exhausted but faking a smile. I sat down next to Lori, who was sewing a hole in Carl's pants.

"Need any help?" I asked, seeing if anyone even noticed me.

"Not right now but in a day or two we might go on a run. Think you will be up for it?" Rick asked, his hands on his hips.

"Sure. As long as I am warned ahead of time." I smiled. He nodded and walked away. Carol handed me a plate of food, but I wasn't really hungry. I moved the food around with a fork, making it look like I had eaten some.

After I "ate" I grabbed a plate for Daryl and ran into the house. I saw Maggie and Glenn sitting at the table together getting ready to go on a run together. I waved to them and made my way up the stairs.

I knocked on the door to Daryl's room and opened the door. I must have woken Daryl up because he was rubbing his eyes.

"Mornin'" I smiled. "Brought you some breakfast." Daryl took the plate from me, immediately scarfing down the meal.

"Slow down, you don't want to get a stomach ache." I mocked him, putting on a silly face. He stopped and gave me a mean look, before eating once more. I just laughed and relaxed on the bed beside him.

Daryl put the plate on the little table next to the bed and propped himself up on his elbows. I sat up and stared at him, wanting to kiss him so badly. I leaned forwards closer to him, our lips inches apart. Before they touched, I pulled back making him grunt with anger.

"First, you gotta brush your teeth!" I got up from where I was and walked into the bathroom. I heard Daryl grunt as he slowly got out of the bed, following me into the bathroom.

Daryl came in, an arm over his side, and I handed him a toothbrush. He mocked me as he scrubbed his teeth, flashing a giant smile showing his teeth. I smiled back and then got grossed out when he spit into the sink.

"Fresh enough for you?" he breathed into my face.

"It'll have to do," I said before standing on my toes, crashing my lips into his. A smile came onto my face as we kissed, the taste of fresh mint coming off his chapped lips.

I ran my fingers through his hair, the other rested on his chest. He wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me into him. As I got closer, I felt his body stiffen. He pulled back, holding his side in pain. I could see a little spot of blood coming through the bandage.

"I'm sorry..." I said. I leaned against the counter using my arms for support. I looked up at myself in the mirror, seeing somebody I didn't like. I just shook my head and looked over at the reflection of Daryl.

"All I do is hurt you..." I said.

"Oh yeah, when you kissed me I was in so much pain," Daryl mocked me, making me playfully shove him.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his back. We both faced the mirror, looking at our reflections. Except Daryl was only staring at me.

"No matter what you do, you can't hurt me. Even if you wanted to." Daryl laid his chin on my shoulder. I just looked away from the mirror and up at him. I brought my chin up and kissed him again, the taste of mint still lingering.

"You taste like toothpaste." I said between my teeth as we kissed. His lips curled into a smirk, his arm curling into my back. I pulled away when I heard voices coming from the hallway and I quickly left the bathroom, leaving Daryl to grumble to himself. Right as I sat down, Rick and Hershel came into the room.

Daryl came out of the bathroom and sat back down onto the bed. I saw awkward looks coming from Hershel and Rick, so I told them I was gonna go help take watch with Andrea and Dale.

I made my way outside and the weather was perfect. I headed towards the RV and climbed up the ladder. Dale and Andrea were both sitting on their lawn chairs, their rifles still beside their chairs.

"Mind if I join you?" my voice made Andrea turn around so fast I thought she would get whiplash. She immediately stood up and walked over to me as I climbed up the rest of the way.

"I am so sorry bout Daryl. If I'd known." She started, but I put my hand on her arm.

"Don't worry, he is fine. Plus, we have all wanted to shoot Daryl at some time or another." I joked. Dale laughed and Andrea and I sat down. I let my legs dangle over the side of the RV.

"Some nice weather?" I tried to make some small talk. "I guess. I would say today is rather peaceful if it weren't for the walking dead roaming the earth." We laughed at Dale remark.

Right now I had everything I wanted, or almost everything. I, more then anything, wanted my sister to be with me. Then again, I also didn't want there to be undead geeks running around eating people.

As I sat there, all I could think about was how normal our lives seem to be right now under the circumstances. I had everything I needed, and was content.

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