Chapter 2

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Daryl's POV

We had been driving for maybe less than an hour since we found Sarah. There was something about her. I couldn't figure it out. She was very pretty. She was wearing black skinny jeans with a tank top and a leather jacket. She had long dark brown hair. She was real pretty. Wait, what? What was I doing think about a girl? I'e got to shake these thoughts!

I saw the CDC up ahead. It was huge. The cars ahead of me had come to a full stop. I turned off the engine. I turned to wake up Sarah, but she looked peaceful.

I had never met a girl named "Sarah" before. I liked the name. I nudged on her shoulder a little. I was a little afraid of waking her up.

Can you believe it, a Dixon scared to touch a girl. Pfft.

I poked her arm and she started stirring. Boy, this girl was going to be the end of me.

Sarah's POV

I felt something poke me and slowly opened my eyes. Daryl was looking at me with a weird face, like I was an alien to him. I saw that we had arrived at the CDC.

"Come on." he said with a soft tone to his voice, getting out of the truck. I grabbed my bag and got out. The smell of rotting flesh and death hung in the air.

I followed Daryl to where the group was and there were all staring at something. I looked up and saw a sea of bead bodies littered on the ground around the CDC.

It looked like a war zone with sandbag walls and military trucks spotted around the yard. Rick started walking towards the front of the CDC, heading straight for the front doors. We all had our weapons out. Rick his gun, Daryl his crossbow and my knife, waiting for any walkers to stumble upon us. Rick banged the metal gate, blocking the front doors.

"Help us!" he screamed. We waited for what seemed like eternity until Shane started pulling Rick back towards the cars.

"There is no one there, come on we gotta go!" he screamed.

"Where are we gonna go?" I said, knowing we had no where to go.

"We have little gas and no food!" Lori said, hugging Carl who was crying.

"Your killing us!" Rick screamed towards a security camera. Shane started pulling Rick while the rest of us started jogging to the cars. Suddenly a loud noise came from behind and saw a bright light coming from the front doors. It had become dark out and the light had blinded us all, making it hard to see who or what it was.

Hey guys thanks for reading my story. I know this chapter was a very short but I am just warming up. I am going to update as soon as I can. Don't loose faith in me.




Thanks for reading!!

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