Chapter 11

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Sarah's POV

We had finished breakfast and I got up to help Lori with the dishes when Maggie and another girl came up to me.

"Remember me, I'm Maggie and this is my sister Beth." I looked over at Beth who seemed to be maybe sixteen or seventeen.

"Nice to meet you. Thanks for the clothes by the way. Their a perfect fit." I said, trying to make the conversation a little less awkward. I talked to Maggie or a little while before I noticed Daryl standing in the corner watching me.

"Its was nice talking with you." I said to Maggie before walking over to Daryl. He was leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face.

"Looks like you got a new girlfriend." he said, making fun of me.

"Ha ha ha, your funny." I said walking to the door and stepping outside. The warmth from outside felt good on my shoulders. I walked along the porch and saw where everyone had set up came. Then I saw a little campsite further away from the group, closer to the woods.

Daryl stood next to me and leaned against the porch beside me. "That's me over there. I'm not much of a people person." he said.

I smiled a little and he must have seen me. When no one was looking he pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm not that good with people too." I said back, my hands wrapped around his neck.

"Looks like I made the right choice then huh?" he whispered into my ear, giving me chills.

Daryl and I walked over to the little camp where Lori and Carol were cleaning clothes. I walked towards them, hearing them laugh made me smile.

"Need any help?" I asked, wanting something to do.

"Can you fold?" Carol asked me, tossing me a shirt.

"Sure can." I started folding all the dry clothes, and boy there were a lot of them. I helped hang up the wet clothes and soon I could see the sun start to set.

I was hanging up a shirt when I saw Daryl chopping wood a little further aways. I watched as he brought down the axe, every muscle in his arm was showing. He was sweating through his shirt, so every muscle could easily be seen.

"Like what you see?" a voice from behind me made me jump. I turned and saw Carol and Lori walking over with some more clothes. They were both giggling like schoolgirls.

I shook my head, blushing a little from the embarrassment. I looked over at Daryl from behind the shirt and saw him looking over at me. I quickly hid from behind the shirt, hoping he didn't see me.

"Right here!" I turned and saw Andrea and Maggie walking up, pointing to me. They were laughing, making me blush even more.

I looked and saw Daryl looking up. He smirked and got back to chopping wood. I turned and walked over to Maggie and Andrea and threw shirts at them.

"Someone likes Daryl?" Maggie teased. "I saw you and Glenn talking earlier." Lori came back, teasing her.

We all laughed for a while until Rick and Glenn walked over to see why we were laughing. I saw Maggie blush as Glenn walked over and nudged her a little with my arm. She gave me a mean look, but with a hint of a smile.

"Whats so funny." Rick asked, walking over to Lori and wrapping his arms around her. "Nothing." she replied, smiling as he held her. I saw Glenn look at Maggie and Andrea and I started laughing.

We finished hanging and drying clothes and everyone sat around the campfire. I sat down on a log near Andrea who was playing with a stick in the dirt. I started humming to myself when Daryl sat down next to me. We all sat there for a while, some talking and others just watching the fire.

Daryl was drawing stick figures in the mud while I hummed to myself. Carl got up from his spot near Lori and ran over to me.

"Can you sing?" he asked me with a giant smile on his face. I was a little taken back by the courage of this kid to just walk up to someone.

"A little." I said, lying a bit.

"Will you sing something, please? It is so quiet." he asked me, putting on a sad face. I had never sung in front of a group of people, only to myself.

"I guess so." I said, not having a chance to think. I wracked my brain, trying to find a right song. Fix you by Coldplay. My favorite song.

"When you try your best, but you don't succeed,

When you get what you want, but not what you need,

When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep,

Stuck in reverse."

"And the tears come streaming down your face.

When you lose something you can't replace,"

"When you love someone, but it goes to waste,

Could it be worse?"

"Lights will guide you home

And ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you."

"And high up above or down below,

When you're too in love to let it go

But if you never try you'll never know

Just what you're worth."

"Lights will guide you home

And ignite your bones, and I will try to fix you."

"Tears stream down your face

When you lose something you cannot replace

Tears stream down your face

And I..."

"Tears stream down your face,

I promise you I will learn from my mistakes,

Tears stream down your face

And I..."

"Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones," I nudged Daryl's arm.

"And I will try to fix you."

Everyone started clapping a little when I finished. Rick, Lori and Carl got up and walked to their tents, saying goodnight to everyone. Slowly everyone went to their tents, leaving me and Daryl sitting alone. The fire had started to burn out, until it was completely dark. I felt a cold wave of air hit me, making me shiver a little.

I crossed my arms, trying to stay warm. Daryl saw that I was cold and started taking his jacket off, leaving him with his angel wing vest and his shirt.

"I'm fine." I said, knowing he would be cold without it.

"No your not, your shivering. " he said putting the jacket around my shoulders. I realized that I was shivering because all I had on was a tank top. I laid my head on Daryl's shoulder, feeling him tense up a little. I kept my head there, watching the last of the embers go out in the fire.

I looked up and saw Daryl yawn. "Time to go to bed I guess." I stood up and reached down my hand for Daryl, using the other to hold the jacket on me. Daryl looked at my hand and took it. We intertwined out fingers and started to the tent that Daryl had set up for me. I saw that my things were inside the tent, all ready for me when I got back. I took the jacket off and gave it back to Daryl who was awkwardly looking at the ground. He threw the jacket over his shoulders, trying to act all cool.

I smiled and walked over to him. I got up on my tippy-toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I got back down off my toes and took his hand. "Goodnight." I said.

"Night." he said, turning and slowly letting go of my hand until out fingertips didn't touch. I watched him walk with his jacket over his shoulders, seeing his angel vest disappear into the darkness. I turned and unzipped my tent, leaving my boots outside. I laid down on the sleeping bag that Daryl had laid out, trying to fall asleep.

All I wanted was Daryl next to me. Nothing more, nothing less.

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