Chapter 23

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I could hear my name being called from a distance and looked over at the farm. Slowly I could see Rick, Shane and Daryl disappear into the house. I put the doll into my pocket and ran back to the house.

By the time I got there everyone had started to crowd in front of house. I pushed my way through, trying my best to ignore all the stares coming from behind me. I ran up the stairs and into the house. There I saw Rick and Shane talking to each other, whispering.

I walked up and reached into my pocket, pulling out the doll. Rick and Shane looked at the thing in my hand as if it was foreign to them. Rick took the doll and whispered something to Shane before putting it in his pocket. Shane then walked out of the room, leaving just Rick and myself.

"How is he?" I asked, trying to steady my breathing.

"Hershel is working on him now." he said back, nodding up the stairs. Before I could run up the stairs, Rick stepped in front of me.

"How about we wait downstairs until Hershel is finished?" Rick said. I sighed and slowly nodded. I sat down on the sofa, my head in my hands. I sat up and leaned back, my knee bobbing up and down.

After about an hour, I was now standing and pacing the floor, holding onto my necklace. The only thing that ran through my head was Daryl and how he was always there for me when I was hurt. Rick was sitting in a chair at the kitchen table, visible from the living room. He was holding onto the doll, probably trying to think of a way to tell Carol what happened.

The sound of footsteps made me turn around, seeing Hershel walking down the stairs. When he got to the bottom of the stairs, he was met by Rick and I, eyeing him for answers.

"He is fine. He is upstairs sleeping. He is going to have to stay in bed for a day or two because of his stitches but other than that, he is going to be just fine." Hershel said, wiping down his hands.

"You can go see him if you like..." Hershel's voice brought me out of my thoughts. I nodded and made my way up the stairs. I could see a door open at the end of the hall, realizing it was his.

I walked into the room and saw Daryl asleep in the bed. He was lying on his side, bandages wrapped around his forehead and his lower stomach. I sat down at the foot of the bed, trying my best not to wake him. I watched as his chest rose and fell, assuring me that he was going to be fine.

Rick peeked his head into the room and knocked on the door lightly as to not make a lot of noise. I got up and walked over to him, stepping into the hallway.

"I was wonderin' if you wanted to come with me to tell Carol bout the doll." Rick asked.

I thought about it for a quick second before replying, "Sure." We walked down the stairs and out to the porch. There, everyone stood, their eyes showing how nervous they really are. "Is he alive?' Andrea's voice rang out as she stepped out past Dale.

"He's fine. The bullet just grazed 'im." Rick replied. I didn't blame Andrea for what happened, though it was partly her fault. She was shooting at what she thought was a walker. If I was in the same situation, I might have done the same.

"Carol, can we talk to you for a second?" I asked, Carol peering out from the sea of people. I walked over to the porch swing and sat down, Carol and Rick behind me. Everyone had started to disperse, and I could see Glenn and Maggie holding hands. They seemed like a cute couple, but a hint of jealousy ran through me. I had wanted that for myself, only with Daryl.

Carol sat down next to me and Rick leaned against the banister. Rick pulled out the doll from his pocket and handed it to Carol. Carol's eyes immediately began to water, tears falling from her cheeks. She looked up, her look not knowing if her daughter was alive or not.

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