Chapter 28

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I laid in a pool of my own blood, feeling my whole body scream in pain. My shirt had been cut off and once he was done torturing me, among other things, he left the room along with his friend who just sat outside the door. There was nothing I could do as he beat me, used me and tortured me.

I had never been more humiliated in my life as he looked down at my worthless body. He had cut a large slash in my stomach for every time he...So far, I had two large slashes down my stomach. I screamed as he had slowly cut me, even though nobody could hear me.

As I laid there, beaten and bloody, I thought of how much longer I had. I knew that if I lost any more blood, I wouldn't have to worry about biters killing me.

I looked up and looked out the only window in the room. I could see that it was daylight, which meant I had been here over night and that it was probably noon or so. There were no clouds, making it easy to see the bright blue sky.

The sky was so blue, reminding me of how much I missed Daryl. I remembered looking in his crisp blue eyes and how safe I felt staring into them. What I longed for more than anything was to have Daryl next to me, holding me, telling me how much he loved me.

I felt a hitch in my breathing and I realized that I had started to cry. It hurt to breathe and it hurt to move. I tried to sit up, making the cut on my stomach start to bleed again. With a grunt of effort, I sat up trying to lean on my hands behind me.

The sound of creaking from the door made me jump. In walked in not my attacker, but his friend. He was much younger, about my age. He was all muscle, his hair a light brown. His eyes told a different story, almost like he was more afraid of me then I was of him. Still, I lowered my head trying not to stare at him to long.

He closed the door behind him and bent down beside me. He moved his arm out from behind him and pulled what seemed to be a protein bar. Just the thought of food made my stomach growl, which was better than feeling only pain. My eyes lit up as he held out the food.

"If I take the gag out, you promise not to make any noise?" He asked. I nodded, knowing what would happen if I did. He reached over and pulled the gag out of my mouth. He held out the bar to my mouth and I gratefully took a bite out of it. It was definitely old, telling by how stale it was but it was better than nothing. I swallowed it, my throat dry.

The man pulled out a bottle of water from behind him and brought it up to my mouth. I took a sip as he tipped it up, and gratefully drank it . He took it away and I sat there, feeling the food and water giving me a rush of energy.

"My name's Sarah." I said quietly. I looked into his brown eyes, hoping that there was someone decent left inside of him.

"Isaac." he said back. Before I had a chance to reply, a shot of pain ran through my stomach, making me want to curl into a ball. I whimpered in pain, trying my best not to make a lot of noise.

"I'm sorry about what my dad has done to you." he said. I could see sadness in his eyes. I didn't know what to say. I had nothing to say about the fact that his father had beaten me and raped me.

"There's nothing you can do. He is your father." I murmured, trying to at least make it easier for him. There was no telling how his father treated him.

We both turned out heads to the door when we heard the shouting coming from the other side of the door. He looked back to me and put my gag back over my mouth. He stood up right as the door came swinging open, in walking his father. I began shaking at the sight of him, he looked ready to pull my head off.

"What you doin' in here?" he asked his son, who was looking down at the ground.

"Nothin', just making sure she's still alive." Isaac said back, hiding the water and food behind him.

His father walked up to him and looked over at me. I just looked to the floor, scared of what might happen.

"Get out." he yelled at Isaac. Isaac immediately walked to the door, giving me one last look of "im sorry" in his eyes and left.

I turned my attention to the only person left in the room. I started to whimper as he got closer and closer, feeling myself start to panic. The older man bent down to my height and pushed my head into the wall behind me. I started to feel the whole room spinning around me, making me nauseous.

Blow after blow, he hit and kicked me. After a few hits, he would check to make sure I was still awake. My face was now bloody and bruised as well as the rest of my body. It seemed like hours until finally he stopped. He stepped back, taking in how much damage he had done to me. By this time I could barley see out of one eye and felt my whole chest burning.

My breathing had become wheezing and I was bleeding from all types of cuts over my body. I had started to think that death wasn't as bad as it sounded and that at least I would be with my sister. I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of the man taking off his belt.

With all the energy I had left, I brought my knees up to my chest in a fetal position. He started hitting me with his belt, hitting my back and my arms. The sting of the whip felt like I was being stung my a thousand bees. I started to see black spots in front of me.

"Round two..." I felt my eyes close into darkness as he got on top of me. I was grateful and happy to welcome death like it was an old friend.

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