Chapter 62

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Laughing. Someone was laughing. I opened my eyes and saw that I was lying in the backseat of a car, staring up at the ceiling. It was light outside; was what I saw last night real? Did I see Glenn?

I sat up, feeling like I had a new wave of energy. I looked around and noticed that I was alone, but in a car sitting on the edge of the highway, the woods on both sides of me.

I scooted my way to the car door and opened it, sitting on the edge of the seat. I started down at my leg and saw clean, new white gauze around my calf. I unraveled it and saw stitches on both the entry and exit wound. Wrapping my leg back up, I slowly stood up while leaning on the car for support.

I noticed tents set up a little further into the woods. I put most of my weight on my leg and it didn't hurt as much as it did before. I limped over to the tents and saw people sitting around a little fire. The area looked like an abandoned quarry of some sort, and the tents were safely hidden in the middle of it.

"Sarah!" a voice called my name. I turned and saw Glenn running towards me. I opened my arms and was met by Glenn hugging me and lightly picking me up. He finally put me down and we both laughed.

"Your lighter then I remember." he joked. I punched him in the arm and hugged him again, so happy to see him alive.

"Nice to see that your back in one piece." a stoic voice said from behind me. I turned and saw Rick walking up to me, his hand on the side of his belt where his gun was.

"Not all in one piece." I laughed pointing to my leg. Rick walked up and gave me a small hug, though something seemed different about him. Glenn ran ahead to the group and Rick and I walked back together, mainly because I couldn't walk that fast.

"Look who it is?" Glenn shouted. I looked at the group, seeing all these familiar faces that had made it out from the farm. Maggie, Carol, Beth, Carl, T-Dog, Hershel, and Lori all sitting around the campfire.

"Wait, where is Andrea?" I turned to Rick. He looked down to his feet, along with everyone else.

"She saved me, but then I saw her go down." Carol stated. Then I remembered another person, who's name flashed in red in my head.

"Where is Daryl?" I asked, fearing the worst. Rick put his hand on my shoulder.

"He's alive. Right now he's out hunting. " Rick's words brought a smile to my face. One by one, I was engulfed in a hug by everyone. As I hugged T-Dog, he picked me off the ground making me laugh.

"Your one bad-ass chick." he laughed.

"You better believe it." i retorted, making everyone laugh. After Lori and Carol, Carl came running up to me and gave me a big hug.

"I missed you." he said. I knelt down on my good leg and tipped his hat to where it was covering his face.

"Missed you too." I smiled. It felt good to have my family back. Carl ran back to Lori, who was sitting on the opposite side of Rick. He came walking up to me and took me aside.

"You alright?" Rick asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I said. I noticed that Isaac was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is Isaac?" I asked. Rick pointed to a tent that was the furtherest away from the camp. Rick nodded to me that it was alright I wen to see him, which was weird.

As I made my way over to the tent, some people from the group looked at me like I was going to do something dangerous. I stepped into the tent and saw Isaac sitting alone. He seemed neither sad, nor happy.

"Are you ok? I don't get why they think you are dangerous." i said as
i sat down. He looked up at me and smiled.

"When your friend found us, I told him what happened after the farm. He didn't believe me, but I told him I wouldn't leave you. Your leader, Rick, he put me in this tent because he thought that I was lying." Isaac told me. I was furious, so I told Isaac to come with me to talk to Rick.

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