Chapter 38

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Daryl's POV

The sound of birds chirping from outside told me that the sun would soon come up. It felt good to hold her, to know that she was safe in my arms. I didn't think I would ever get to hold her again, but here I am.

She looked peaceful as she slept, finally having fallen asleep. I moved a single strand of hair that had fallen out of place, showing me her beautiful face.

What was I doing? I had told myself that I was over her. The day she ended whatever we were, I told myself to forget her. She hurt me like they all did, she would just keep hurtin' me. But after what happened last night between us, all I can think about is her.

I pulled her closer to me, feeling her skin against my chest.

Damn, Im turnin' soft.

Sarah's POV

The sound of light snoring woke me up. I thought I was just hearing things, but felt a strong arm wrapped around me waist. I looked over me and saw Daryl lying agains me. So, last night wasn't a dream.

I turned my body around under Daryl's arm, facing him. He was asleep. I smiled and kissed his forehead. He groaned and slowly opened his eyes, revealing his deep blue eyes.

"Mornin'," I whispered. He smirked and rolled onto his stomach. He groaned in reply and I nudged him with my hand.

"Hmm?" he turned his head to where he was facing me. I ran a finger on his bare back, tracing the old scars. He closed his eyes to my touch.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Fine just..." he stopped.


"Nothin'." he sat up, letting the blanket fall off his chest.

"Daryl, is" I asked, thinking maybe last night I had done something wrong.

"No! You were just fine, its just that..." he stopped again. I pulled the blanket closer to me, nervous what he wanted to say.

"What 're we?" he turned, his face wrought with sadness, pain and some anger.

"I don't know." I replied.

He grabbed his shirt and started to get dressed. I did the same, pulling my shirt over my head. He looked back at me, sadness filled his eyes.

"Maybe," I stopped him.

"Maybe we can work it out. I mean, maybe all we needed was time away from each other." I said nervously.

He just held a poker face, no emotion. He got up and headed for exit, pushing away the tent flap, revealing the somewhat dark sky outside. I was sure he was just going to leave, but he stopped.

He turned and gave a little smirk, then lowered himself over me. Holding himself up with his strong arms, Daryl slowly brought his lips down, brushing lightly against mine.

He pulled away, leaving me with a giant smile on my face. "I'll take that as a yes?" I asked. He nodded and smiled.

Daryl left the tent, leaving me with a giant smile on my face. I had finally gotten Daryl back, or at least I think I did. I only felt pure joy, the type of joy that you just can't do anything but smile. I probably look like a grinning idiot right now but, what the hell.


I tried to fall back asleep but the sounds of voices from outside and my own thoughts kept me from doing so. I sat up and grabbed a clean shirt and got dressed, tossing my hair into a ponytail. I walked over to Dale and Glenn, who were playing a game of cards.

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