Chapter 1

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Thank you guys for giving my story a go! I am new at this whole writing thing so go easy on me. I know that first two or three chapters are a little slow but bear with me, I am just warming up.

I will update as soon as I can when I can. If you guys like the story, please comment so I know if anyone is actually reading it so I keep writing. Enjoy! I hope to see some comments!

It has been about two weeks since the world went to shit. I had been alone for almost a week, searching for supplies and trying to stay alive. The painful memories of why I was alone still fresh in my mind.

I had been walking for what seemed like forever. I was walking alongside of a road, hiding in the woods so I wouldn't be seen by any walkers. I didn't know where I was walking to or why but I knew it was better than staying in one place, waiting for my inevitable death.

The woods were quiet but I could hear an occasional bird chirping. It was almost peaceful.

I heard a grumbling noise coming from further up the road, a line of cars heading my way.

I bent down behind a large bush in an effort not to be seen. It was best that I didn't draw any attention to myself. I was antisocial to begin with. The line of cars pulled to the side of the road and people started getting out of the cars. There were men, women and children. The men were in a group talking to themselves while the women and children were in there own little group.

I saw the men talking for a minute then walking into the RV. They came out with a man who had been bit. They laid him beside a tree and one of the men wearing a sheriffs hat leaned down to talk to the man. It looked like they were going to leave him to turn.

Not wanting to watch as they left him on the side of the road, I slowly and quietly got up and started to walk back into the woods when a walker came out from behind a tree and started walking towards me.

Great. Now I was screwed. A walker in front of me and a group of people behind me.

I pulled out a small knife from my boot and slowly started walking backwards towards the road. The walker started to speed up in an effort to dig its teeth into me. I fell back, landing on something hard. I tripped on a rock.  Realizing I had made it onto the road I quickly got up only to be knocked down by the walker from behind. I turned and was met by snapping teeth.

"Help!" I screamed. Before the teeth made it into my neck the weight of the walker was off of me. The sheriff had pulled it off and stabbed it in the head. He walked over to me and extended a hand to help me.

"Thanks." I said taking his hand. He pulled me up and I dusted myself off. The rest of his group ran over, the women pulling their children closer to them.

"I'm Rick." the sheriff said while nodding his head. A man with a crossbow walked over to me, handing me my knife that I dropped. He had crisp blue eyes that seemed to shine brighter than the sun. 

I took it from him and thanked him. He made me nervous, but in a good way.

"This is Glenn, T-Dog, Shane and Dale..." Rick introduced each of them to me, pointing each of them out to me. "and Daryl." pointing to the man with a crossbow. There was something about Daryl that told me there was something deeper to Daryl than what was on the outside. 

"Who are you?" Shane asked stepping up to me, only feet away. He was tall with a handsome face and muscular arms. Something about him was off, real off. He seemed like he wanted to chop my head off.

"Sarah. Sarah Jackson. " I said back staring him in the eyes. He didn't seem to like that because he turned and walked over to Rick, whispering something into his ear.

We all stood there for a minute before Rick finally spoke to me. "Would you like to join our group. We have little food and can't offer that much protection, but it is better than nothing." Rick asked me. He seemed like a good, honest man. I knew I could trust him.

"If you will have me." I said to Rick, making Shane walk away muttering to himself.

"Good, come meet the rest of our group." I was introduced to Lori and Carl, Rick's wife and son, Carol and her daughter Sophia, Jacqui, and Andrea. I introduced myself, feeling a little awkward. I really was not good with people, but I just smiled and nodded.

"We were heading to the CDC to see if we could find some answers and to get help for our friend Jim," he pointed to the man laying against a tree. "Jim couldn't hold on much longer and told us to leave him here. We were all saying our goodbyes to him when you came out of the woods." I felt bad about what had happened to Jim. I looked at him, laying there clutching him stomach were he was bit. I walked over to him and put my hand on his leg.

"I owe my life to you Jim. If you hadn't made your group pull over to the side of the road, I would be dead right now." I said to him as he looked up at me, a smile on his face. He extended his hand and I took it. I felt everyones eyes on me but I didn't care. I let go of Jim's hand and walked back towards Rick.

"You are going to have to ride with Daryl." he said, pointing to the blue truck with a motorcycle in the back. Daryl was leaning against the truck, biting his thumbnails.

I picked up my bag and walked over to him. He got up from where he was and opened the passenger side door for me.

I never had someone open a car door for me, especially a guy. A redneck with manners, I liked it. I hoped in and he closed the door. Daryl hoped in the drivers side, started the engine and followed in line with the rest of the cars.

I leaned my head, look out the window and up at the sky. I knew that as long I was in this truck with Daryl, I was safe.

The end of chapter one! I know it was slow, but all good stories start slow but get better from there! Hang with me for a little while longer!

I am a huge walking dead fan and I LOVE Daryl! I am sort of a fanatic but nobody in my house likes him so I am all alone. :( My mom always says he is "out of date" but I still can't stop thinking about him.

If there are any errors in my story then please comment and tell me or message me. Remember I am new at this and I hope to get better with time. I am a little nervous because I have never done something like this before!

I hope to continue writing and I hope to have some new readers along the way. Enjoy!! Comment, comment, comment!

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