Chapter 48

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Daryl's POV

Why was I being such an idiot! I just got her back! Sarah walked away into the house after asking if Jessica and I were a thing. Of course, I was doing this to make Sarah jealous. I could see the hurt in her eyes when she told me she didn't care, but I knew she did.

I walked back to the tent which I was now sharing with Jessica. She's a bitch, thinking she won me over. I love Sarah, and only her. I would just have to find a way for her to realize that. I'll tell her after the run tomorrow, I will. I swear, nothing will stop me.

----The next day----

Sarah's' POV

"Can you go and get Daryl. Were leaving in ten." Rick asked while I put my bag in the trunk of the car. I shrugged and did as he asked.

As I walked to Daryl's tent, a pang of hurt hit me. I missed him, I missed everything about him. I finally made it to the tent and picked up a rock I found on the ground and threw it at the tent.

"The hell!" Jessica's voice shrieked as the rock accidentally broke through the tent, making a giant hole. I covered my mouth, holding in my laughter. Jessica came out of the tent, wearing one of Daryl's flannel shirts. Nothing else.

"Where's Daryl!" I yelled at her, trying not to show my anger and hatred towards her. She gave an evil smile when she caught me eyeing Daryl's shirt over her body.

"Don't know. Haven't seem him since last night after.." she grinned. I turned to walk back to the car, but ran into what seemed a wall. It was Daryl.

"What the hell's goin' on?" Daryl said when he saw Jessica wearing his shirt. He looked down at me, I tired to hide the fact that a tear rolled down my cheek.

"You ok?" he asked, worry filling his voice.

"Rick said to be at the truck in ten..." my voice cracked. I heard a little chuckle come from Jessica. I looked up at Daryl, how could he hurt me like this? I wiped away the tear and ran to the car hearing Daryl call me name from behind me, but I ignored it.

I ran to the car and sat down in the back, trying to hold in my tears. I heard Rick's voice outside and wiped away the tears that had fallen. I wouldn't let Daryl see me cry, he didn't deserve it. Daryl and Rick tossed their bags in the trunk and got in the car. I was sitting in the backseat, so Daryl and Rick sat up front.

"You ok?" Rick asked, seeing that I had been crying.

"Yep. Why wouldn't I be?" I replied, staring at Daryl through the front mirror. I caught eye contact with him, but he looked away. Rick started up the engine and we were off down the long dirt drive-way.

Hello you Daryl fanatics! I know this chapter is really short, but I am doing my best to remember all the little details I lost on my iPad. I am going to update little by little, but hopefully I will get my grove back. If I can somehow get my iPad to turn on, I will try either replace the chapters that I had to make up or just use what I got. When I update I will tell you guys if I made any changes.

Ok, now that I am done ranting to you guys (so boring) I wanted to make sure you are all alive! I haven't heard anything from you! Literally like only 3 people have commented!

Don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE and more importantly....READ!

My HopeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora