Chapter 12

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I was dreaming of myself running. I didn't know what I was running from, only that I had to get away. I could hear moans and screaming from behind me. I wanted to run back to help, but something was keeping me from it. The screaming became louder and louder. I covered my ears, the sounds becoming so loud that it hurt my ears.

"Sarah!!" My name was being called over and over again.

I sat up, my breathing becoming a little heavy. I looked around, realizing that I was dreaming. I could hear someone calling my name from outside my tent.

"Sarah!?" the voice called again. I unzipped my tent to see Andrea standing outside.

"You ok?" she asked, a worried expression on her face. "Yeah, just a nightmare." I said back, calming myself down.

"Well alright. I came to tell you breakfast will be ready soon." Andrea said before walking away towards the rest of the group.

I laid back down onto my sleeping bag and stared at the roof. My dream seemed so real and it was. It was a memory, a painful horrid memory. I shook my head, getting rid of those horrid thoughts. I grabbed my bag and took out some clean clothes. I put on some jeans and a tank top. I put my hair into a messy bun and slipped my boots on. I grabbed my knife and shoved it into my boot, hoping I wouldn't need it.

I started walking towards the group, seeing almost everyone was there. I sat down on the log next to Andrea, taking in the amazing scent of food.

"Morning." Rick said to everyone as he walking in with Lori and Carl. There was an exchange of mornings and Carol started handing out food. I noticed that Shane had snuck in, his eye on Lori. He seemed different, and most of all angry.

I felt Andrea nudge me with her shoulder and nod her head towards something behind me. I turned and saw Daryl leaning against a tree, staring at me. I turned back around, feeling myself start to blush.

Carol handed me a plate of food and I thanked her. We all ate in silence, thought there was a little chatter going on. I looked back at Daryl who didn't have any food. I got up and started walking towards Carol, who was cleaning some dirty plates.

"Can I have a plate of food for Daryl? He is to shy to come and get it for himself." I said sarcastically, making Carol smile. She made him a plate and I started walking over to him. As I started walking over to him, he looked up from the ground and a little smile came upon his face.

I handed him the plate of food, but before he took it all the way I pulled back a little. "What do you say?" I said, messing with him.

He tugged the plate, causing me to pull closer to him. I could feel his breathe on my face, making chills run down my spine. "Thanks." he said, a look of pure happiness of his face. I rolled my eyes and turned back to where I was sitting.

By the time everyone had finished, Rick has a map laid out on the hood of Daryl's truck. I was helping Carol clean the dishes when I heard Daryl and Shane getting into it. I walked over, seeing Daryl being pulled off of Shane.

"What going on?" I asked Rick, who was in the middle of all of it. T-Dog was holding Daryl back and Rick was holding Shane.

"She could still be out there!" Daryl screamed from behind T-Dog.

"We shouldn't be wasting time searching for a little girl who is probably not even alive." Shane replied, staring down Daryl.

"How could you say that? What is she is alive, out there all on her own? What if Carol heard you?" I said, getting in Shane's face a little. I stared into his eyes and saw only darkness and hatred.

Shane didn't reply, only to stalk away to his tent. T-Dog let go of Daryl, who grabbed his crossbow off the ground and stormed into the woods. I ran after him, following him to wherever he was going.

I was so worried about trying to find Daryl that I had lost him. I looked around in all directions, trying to find him. I felt a hand on my arm and jumped. I turned and saw Daryl, who had a mean look on his face.

"What the hell Daryl, you scared me!" I said.

"Stop following me like some damn lost puppy." he scowled, trying to hurt me. He turned and started walking away from me.

"Daryl!" I screamed at him. He turned around, staring me in the eyes. I didn't know what to say, I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

He huffed at me and started walking away. I ran after him and grabbed his arm. He pushed me off, pushing me with such force that it knocked me off my feet, causing me to land in a pile of mud. I caught myself with my hands, feeling stickiness all over me. I looked down at myself. I was now covered in mud.

"That's what you get." he said, throwing his arm into the air. He turned and started walking, leaving me stuck in the mud. He was making this my fault?

I felt tears start to form in my eyes. I saw him stop dead in his tracts. I sucked up the hurt and tears and picked myself up off the ground. The mud was caked all over my jeans, bottom and arms. When I stood up, I saw Daryl turn around. He started walking forward, reaching out a hand but I stopped him.

"No. I made a mistake. Now I have to deal with the consequences." I said. I turned and walked away. I could feel a tear fall from my face as I walked back to camp. I was a mess.

I was right, how could someone like Daryl like me? It didn't mean anything to him. I was a giant mess.

Daryl's POV

"That's what you get." I said, not being able to stop the words from coming out.

I had knocked her over into the mud. I looked into her beautiful brown eyes and saw only sadness. I turned and started walking away, angry at her for following me.

I stopped and realized what I had done. I turned around to help her, seeing that I had hurt her.

I saw tears forming in her eyes, but she held them in trying hard for me not to see them. I started walking towards her, reaching out a hand but she stopped me.

"No. I made a mistake. Now I have to deal with the consequences." those words made my heart ache.

She thought I was a mistake? She was right, all I do it hurt the ones I loved when I became angry. Wait? Did I love her?

Sarah turned and walked away, but I could hear her start to cry. I had hurt her, the only person I cared about! I had nothing and no one now that Merle was gone. I turned and stalked into the woods. I had to get away. I had hurt her and now she would never forgive me.

Sarah was the only person I cared for. I...I loved her.

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