Chapter 76

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Sarah's POV

Numb. I was just numb. After hours of emotional and physical torture, I was just numb.

It has been a few hours, I'm guessing, since he had left the room. There was only a single light above my head lighting the room and no windows.

I missed everyone back at the prison. I wished more than anything that I was with them right now, away from this place. I wanted to sit with Carl and Beth while holding the little baby girl that might now be laying in her crib. I wanted to talk to Glenn and Isaac while keeping watch along the gates. I'd love to laugh with Maggie, Carol and Hershel while cleaning laundry. I pray that I'd see Rick again, but there is one person that I'd kill to see.

Tears brimmed in my eyes at the thought of never seeing Daryl again. I reminded myself of all the times I laid in bed beside him, watching his chest rise and fall to assure me that he was still alive. All those times where I felt the coolness of his vest against my skin as I rode behind him in the motorcycle. I smiled as I remembered how I would stare into his crystal blue eyes and tell him how much I loved him. Would I get the chance to do it all again?

The metal door in front of me opened and in walked the Governor and one of his men.

"Is there anything I can get you while I'm out? A pillow, nice cool glass of water?" The Governor smiled and laughed. The Governor walked closer to me and grabbed my chin in his hand, his fingers digging into my skin.

"I just wanted to drop by before I paid your friends at the prison a visit. Going to give them a 'welcome to the neighborhood' present."

I refused to look at him, I felt the anger boil in me. I quickly bit the finger closet to my mouth. I tasted blood and knew that I'd gotten him. He pulled his hand away but cursed.

I spit out the piece of flesh that was in my mouth straight at the Governor. Spit dripped down the corner of my mouth but I felt a smirk curl from my lips. I knew that I'd hurt him.

"You won't be laughing when I kill every single person at that prison." the Governor smiled then left the room, closing and locking the door behind him.

My breathing quickened as the reality of what was happening hit me. He was going to attack the prison. I pulled my arms as hard as I could trying to get myself free. I tried to twist my wrists but it wouldn't even loosen. I yelled in frustration and anger; there was no way for me to get free and no way to tell anyone at the prison. There was nothing I could do.


A few hours passed as I waited for something. Anything to happen. I felt myself getting weaker and weaker, emotionally and physically. I had lost almost all feeling in my arm. The door opened and I quickly looked up, but saw a man I'd never seen before. He had glasses on and seemed to be some sort of doctor or scientist. The light was dim so I couldn't see very clearly.

He walked forward along with another man who looked like a guard with his gun in hand. The scientist walked up to me and started to untie the rope around my hands.

"The Governor wanted me to clean her up." he said to the guard who seemed to question him. After he untied me, the scientist helped me to stand but I immediately fell. The guard came over and put a bag over my head before lifting me by my arm and dragging me somewhere. We walked for a while before I was pushed down into a seat. The bag was removed and the light was very bright. My eyes adjusted to the light and I saw where I was.

"What do you want with me?" I ask.

I was in a room of some sort with medical supplies. A hand touched my shoulder and I quickly pulled away. A black woman wearing a white coat stood next to me.

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