Chapter 69

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Daryl's POV

Where is she? Where is she? Where is she?

I stood with Rick and Oscar in the courtyard. We found out that it was that asshole Andrew. All of this was his fault. He thought he could take the prison back. He had unlocked all the gates, turned on the generators which triggered all the alarms. Oscar, he helped us. He killed Andrew. Stopped him from killing Rick.

We stood there as Hershel and Beth came out from inside the locked gate near the stairs along with Glenn.

A creaking sound came from the prison making me turn around to see Carol and Isaac walking out from the door that I had seen Sarah disappear into. Except...there was so Sarah.

I looked at Carol who just shook her head as tears fell from her eyes. How could I loose her again?

I wanted to scream, but i knew if I did I would cry instead. I wouldn't let myself cry, especially when it was my fault for letting her go into that prison. I turned around when I heard another door creaking and saw Maggie and Carl. Maggie was holding a baby.

Carl stared at the ground with his gun in hand. Both Maggie and Carls' hands were covered in blood. Rick walked up to his son before falling to the ground crying out.

"Where's Sarah?" I ask Carol who had tears in her eyes beside Isaac. I looked to Carol who couldn't answer, then to Isaac.

"She, she told us that she was going for help. We were locked in a closet and..." Isaac muttered.

"And what?"

"She left us in the closet."

"So that means she could still be alive? Come on, we gotta go look for her." I picked up my crossbow ready to go look for her, but Carol stepped in front of me.

"Daryl, she won't be there." Carol cried.

What the hell does that mean? How can she not be there if they don't know if she was dead or not? How can they know she is dead unless...unless there was no way she could have gotten out.

"Rick!" Maggie's voice brought me out of my thoughts. Rick walked back into the prison with an axe.

"Let me see the baby." Hershel called Carl over with the baby in hand. Hershel looked over the baby which seemed to be wrapped in Carl's old jacket.

"What are we gonna feed it? Got anything a baby can eat?" I ask.

"The good news is she looks healthy. But she needs formula and soon or she won't survive." Hershel's eyes met mine.

"Nope. No way. Not her, we ain't losing nobody else. I'm going for a run." I told him and started for my bike.

"I'll back you up." Maggie replied.

"Ok, think where we're going." I pulled Beth aside away from Carl.

"Kid's just lost him mom, his dad ain't doin' so hot."

"I'll look out for him." she nodded and walked back to Hershel and Carl. I ran over to my bike and put on my poncho. Maggie was talking to Glenn by a car so I waited a moment. I looked to the ground thinking when a picture of Sarah popped in my head. I remembered seeing her look over to me before everything went down. She smiled. She did not deserve to die.

"You ok?" Maggie snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go or we're gonna lose the light." I hopped onto my bike and Maggie jumped on. She wrapped her arms around my waist and Glenn opened the gate into the courtyard.

I ain't going to let that baby die. This group ain't losing nobody else.

Sarah's POV

The last thing I remember was running and ducking into a office room of some sort. I must have passed out on the floor in the office. I slowly sit up and feel my head spinning and my hand throbbing.

I'd cut it trying to lure the walkers away so that Carol and Isaac could get out. I slowly got up from where I was sitting and leaned against the wall. I ripe off a piece of my shirt and wrap it around my hand. Pain shot through my hand and felt like it was on fire.

There was blood and guts all over me, none of it mine. I still had my knife but no bullets. It must have been a few hours since I had left Carol and Isaac. Everyone must think I am dead. I needed to find a way out.

I got my knife ready and took a peek out the door to make sure there was nothing there. There was movement so I quickly shut the door. I heard grunting and then something like a body hitting the ground. It sounded familiar. Once I knew the person or walker had past the door I opened it and took a small step out.

The persons back was to me but I noticed the gun. It was Rick's.


I started walking towards him where he had stopped at the end of the dark hallway. Rick just kept walking forward and that was when I noticed the axe dripping blood.

"Rick." I walked a little faster up to him. His back was still to me. When I got close enough I reached out and put my hand on his shoulder. Rick's turned and pushed me into the wall with the axe's handle to my throat.

"Rick! It's me!" I cried I noticed that he was covered in blood, his arms and face. His hair looked almost wild and so were his eyes. In his eyes I could no longer see Rick.

The axe pressed harder onto my throat almost cutting off my air.

"Please. It's me Sarah." I croaked. The pressure of my throat loosened and I fell to the ground, coughing as I tried to get more air. Rick backed away slowly and then disappeared around the corner.

What has happened that would make him do that to me? I was his friend and he almost killed me. The Rick I knew wasn't in there anymore. I slowly stood up and looked around. As I walked forward there where bodies of walkers all over the floor, probably from Rick. It's like he just cut through them, like it was nothing. I kept going and following the trial of bodies until I saw some light coming through.

The cell block. I found it. Thank God I found it. By now, my head feels like someone is pounding on it with a rock. I need to keep going, I need to find the group.

I walked up to the block door that was open. I turn into the common area and see Glenn and Hershel sitting at a table.

"Glenn..." was all i could get out before my world went black.

Another update! Yay! Hope you liked this chapter. Tonight is TWD! Only one more episode after tonight! So sad! Where did the time go?

So remember the last update when I said I had hurt my knee? Well I was stuck wearing a leg immobilizer and had to use crutches all this week! It was horrible!

Enough about me...over 50,000 reads! That is amazing! You are all amazing! I appreciate all the comments and votes!

Don't forget...COMMENT, VOTE and KEEP READING! Love y'all!

My HopeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora