Chapter 41

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We pulled away, hearing the sound of voices calling from the house. We ran over to find that Hershel was missing.

"What's going on?" I asked, Daryl headed into the house.

"Hershel has gone missing. Maggie thinks that he went to an old bar a few miles away." Lori answered. Rick and Glenn came walking out of the house and headed towards the cars. Lori, Carol and I followed.

"Where are you going?" Lori asked Rick.

"We'er going to get Hershel back. Hopefully we will be back by nightfall." Rick hopped into the car with Glenn, who seemed a little uneasy. Lori just stormed off, angry that he husband was leaving. Carol and I just went and sat down on the porch swing, talking about random things.

Hours past and the sun began to set, we started to become a little worried. Rick, Glenn and Hershel weren't back yet. Carol had gone back to her tent, so I was left alone on the swing. I could see Daryl talking to Lori over by his little camp, but it seemed more like yelling.

I ran over to see what it was, it was already over. Lori walked past me, anger poring from her.

"What's going on?" I yelled to Daryl.

"Nothin'" was all he had to say.

"That ain't nothing! What did Lori want?"

"She wanted me to go and look for Rick. I told her to go do it herself." he was sharpening a stick with his knife.

"You don't tell a woman to go out and do something all on her own! Especially a pregnant one!" I yelled and sat beside him.

"Idiot." I whispered.

"I'm the idiot? Your the one who thought something was going on between me and Jessica." he laughed.

Before I could make some snide remark back, Andrea called out for us from the house. We ran over and met her on the porch.

"Lori took a car to go out and look for Rick. She left a little while ago." Andrea's words just proved me right.

"Idiot!" I slapped the back of Daryl''s head. He rubbed his head and we all went into the house. Shane was packing to go out and find Lori. Carl was pacing the room, tears threatening to spill.

"Hey, calm down. Shane will bring your mom back." I knelt down to his height and put my hand on his shoulder.

"I will bring her back." Shane called out from across the room before leaving.

"See?" I pulled Carl into a hug and he wrapped his arms around me. I heard a sniff come from him before he pulled away.

I sat down on the sofa next to Beth and Carl, who were both missing their parents. I felt bad for them, knowing how they were feeling.

I stood up and walked over to Daryl and Dale who were standing in the corner. Daryl was leaning on the wall and Dale had his rifle thrown over his shoulder. Everyone was standing in the living room, the quiet was to much for me.

"Anyone want some coffee?" I asked, breaking the silence. Almost everyone said yes who were adults and for Carl and Beth I decided to make hot chocolate.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed everything I needed. I am usually not one to break the awkward silence, but if I stayed in that room any longer I would have gone insane. Daryl walked into the kitchen behind me and sat down at the table.

"You ok?" Daryl said playing around with a spoon lying on the table.

"Yeah, just a lot had gone on today." a wave hit me as I remembered the events of today. It practically knocked my forward. I leaned forward onto the counter and put my head in my hands.

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