Chapter 51

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Sarah's POV

I looked up, seeing Rick's face almost turn pale. I turned around to see what he was looking at. He was looking at Daryl. Daryl had his hand held on his stomach, then pulled it away, revealing blood.


Rick and I were frozen in place.

"Oh shit.." Daryl looked up at me and his blue eyes filled with something I had never seen before.


He looked up at the sky and almost in slow motion fell to the floor.

"Daryl!" I ran to him and fell to my knees. Rick ran over and quickly put his hands on the wounds.

"Oh god, no no no no, please don't take him." I begged as tears began to fill my eyes.

"Put pressure on the wound, now!" Rick screamed at me and I quickly put of hands on Daryl's stomach. I looked at Daryl's face, hearing him grunt in pain.

"Hold on, please."

Rick put his arm under Daryl's back, trying to lift him up. I grabbed Daryl's other arm and helped to lift him.

We lifted Daryl up, putting his arms around our shoulders and dragged him to the car.

"Get the door!" Rick screamed at me. I ran forward, reaching for the handle, smearing blood on the car. I opened the door and we put Daryl in the back seat. Rick closed the door and I ran to the opposite side of the car and jumped in back. I put his head on my lap, his hands on his stomach. He was still breathing, but staring at the roof of the car. Rick jumping into the driver's seat and hit the gas, taking us home. We weren't that far from the farm, but it seemed like we would never get there.

"Can't you drive any faster, he's dying!" I screamed at Rick who was already driving as fast as he could.

"Just hold on, were almost at the farm. Hershel's going to fix you up and..." I couldn't finish my sentence, I started to cry. Daryl coughed, revealing a trickle of blood coming from the corner of his mouth.

"Sarah..." he whispered, removing one of his hands from his stomach, reaching for me. His hand was bloody, but I took it.

"I'm here, I'm here" I said choking up. We were pulling up the driveway to the farm when Rick honked the horn of the car, getting everyone attention that something was wrong. I looked down at Daryl, who's breathing became heavy.

"I love you." he whispered. His head fell back into my lap, his eyes fluttered closed and he let go of my hand, falling to his side.

"Daryl! Daryl!"

The car came to a quick stop. Rick opened the door of Daryl's side and pulled him out of the car, away from me.

"He said he missed." I whispering to myself as I got out of the car. Rick and T-Dog had pulled Daryl's arms around their shoulders, while everyone ran up to see what had happened.

"He said he missed."

Hershel yelled for his medical supplies. I saw Rick, T-Dog and Daryl disappear into the house, the front door closing behind them. Everyone slowly crowed around me. I looked down at my body. My pants, shirt and hands were covered in blood, Daryl's blood. I stood there in shock, my eyes filled with tears ready to fall. Lori walked in front of me.

"What happened?" Lori asked seeing all the blood.

"He said he missed." I stared at the front of the house.

Oh my good gosh! What just happened??? Well, I know what happened!! Daryl was shot! While I was writing this...I was crying! I'm on a role for updates so far.

What do you thinks going to happen next? Any ideas? Don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE and KEEP READINGS! Love all youse!

My HopeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora