Chapter 26

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Daryl's POV

I was sitting on a log while sharping a piece of wood with my knife. It had been a few hours since Sarah went on the run with Rick and I was becoming restless. I didn't like the thought of her being out there without me next to her. Last time she went out she came back with a dislocated shoulder and it was all Glenn's fault! My hand curled into a fist.

Carol was washing dishes from breakfast when she saw my hands curled into a fist. She walked over and sat down on the opposite log to where she was facing me.

"They will all come back. All of them..." she dragged out the last sentence before getting up and walking away. I dug my knife into the dirt, frustrated that they weren't back yet.

I heard footsteps behind me and looked back, seeing Rick's car speeding down the dirt road. I shot up from my seat and made my way over to the car, it stopping with a skid. I adjusted my crossbow nervously, trying not to show it.

I walked over to the drivers side of the car, waiting for Rick to step out. I tried to not look anxious, even though i was on the inside.

Rick stepped out of the car, his face looked distraught. Slowly, the rest of the group got out of the car, all but one.

"Where is she?" I growled, getting in Rick's face. He just shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair, making my hands ball up.

"What happened?" Carol's voice called out as she walked over to us.

"We were ambushed by a herd of walkers. Before we knew it she ran into the herd, distracting them. She told us to run and we did. I couldn't stop her..." Rick sounded ten years older, but this just made me angrier.

"So what, you just left her? What if she is still out there, huh?" I got in Rick's face once more, only to be pulled away by Shane.

"She won't be there..." a voice called from behind Rick. Jessica walked out from behind Rick.

"She won't be there because I saw her go down.." I felt my heart wrench, like somebody stabbed me over and over.

"She sacrificed herself so that we could get out of there. Daryl, she..." I couldn't stand hearing anything from Rick.

"Screw all ya'll!" I scream, throwing my arm in the air. I turned and stalked to my tent wanting nothing more to do with them. How could they just stand their and watch

I felt my breathing start to hitch. I made it to the tent and before I went in, I remembered that was where I had laid next to Sarah. Where I had held onto her at night.

I turned and stalked into the woods. I had to get away from, all this. The farm reminded me to much of her. As I walked into the woods, I stepped on a twig causing it to make a large snap. I looked down at the broken branch, memories seemed to flood over me.

I went back to when I had scared her by breaking a twig in half. She had gotten so mad at me that day, but in the end I found that she loved me as much as I did her.

I remembered the letter in my back pockets and I pulled it out, looking down at the handwriting.

"I love you." she had written, her writing so clean and perfect. I felt a pain in my chest, something I had never felt before.

What was she thinking? Did she not care how I would feel? Maybe she really didn't care, maybe she had lied to me, just to mess with me. I looked down at the letter wanting nothing more than to rip it up and toss it.

I couldn't get myself to. I just folded it up and shoved it back into my pocket, forgetting about it. I would get over her, just like I got over loosing Merle. Because Dixon's don't give a rats ass bout what happened to other people.

Neither would I.

Hey guys! I would like to give a big thanks to all those readers who are still with me! I am trying my best to update! You are all amazing! Hope you like it so far!!! Don't forget...

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