Chapter 21

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Daryl's POV

Seeing Sarah in that much pain made my blood boil. Her face was pale and it looked as if she was going to loose it. This was all my fault, if I hadn't exploded on her earlier she wouldn't have run off and gotten herself hurt. I couldn't do anything but blame myself for this. I watched as Hershel set her arm back and hearing her scream. I felt my whole body shudder but I couldn't look away.

My blood boiled in my veins and I stormed out of the house. I couldn't watch this any longer. I had to leave before I totally lost it. I never thought in a million years that I would have found someone like her, and when I did I hurt her. I headed over to my tent, trying to get away from things.

I unzipped the tent and stepped in. I instantly saw all of her things lying around on her side of the tent. I noticed something sticking out of her bag and took a closer look. I picked up a picture of Sarah and what looked like her family.

She stood in the photo young and happy, not having aged by the violence of this new world. She stood in between two people, a girl who looked the same age as her and an older woman. She seemed so happy, a bright smile upon her face.

"That was last summer." a voice ran from behind me. I turned and saw Sarah standing in the door of the tent.

Sarah's POV

I sat alone at the table for a while before Maggie came in. She made me a sling out of some cloth and sent me on my way.

"Make sure you take it easy ok?" she said and I nodded in reply. I got up from my chair, my head still hurting but just a little. I headed for the door and stepped outside, the heat hitting me. My arm was still a little sore when I remembered the fight Daryl and I had.

I turned and headed towards Daryl's tent. I didn't know what I was going to say, but I knew that he would be feeling guilt for what happened. I got closer and I could see his crossbow laying outside the tent. The tent was unzipped and I looked in.

I stepped in and saw Daryl sitting there with the picture of my family in his hand.

"That was last summer." I said making Daryl turn and face me. I walked in a little closer and sat down on my bag.

"Grace and I were going to college and my mom wanted us to take one more family picture." I said, remembering that day like it was yesterday.

"My mom wanted Grace and I to have something to hold onto, in care we started to miss home. She died a week later in a car accident." I gently took the other end of the picture in my hand. I felt my finger touch Daryl's.

"Im sorry." he said with his deep southern accent. I smiled, thinking about that summer day.

"It was only the three of us. My mom worked a lot of jobs to make sure we went to college." I said, Daryl letting go of the picture.

"Yer lucky." Daryl looked up at me. I caught a glimpse of his crisp blue eyes.

"Yeah." I missed my mother so much as well as my sister. I felt a tear fall from my eyes as I realized I had started to tear up a little.

"My dad didn't give a rats ass bout me." Daryl said. I could hear the hurt in his voice. For Daryl it seemed almost awkward himself up to people. I felt guilty that I had brought up all my happy memories when Daryl probably had none.

"Daryl, I'm..." I was cut off mid-sentence.

"No, you don't need to be sorry. I'm the one who should be sorry. This is the second time Ive almost gotten you killed." he said, angry stirring in his voice.

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