Chapter 50

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Omg so like...7,000 reads!!! I am like flipping out! When I started this, I was amazed that anyone was even reading this! Now I have 7,000 people reading my little story!! I am so thankful to all those who have stayed with me, you guys are the bomb!

So, last chapter I left you on a cliffhanger. Sorry...had to do it. This chapter is like....what!! Enjoy...

Sarah's POV

I heard gunshots and realized they were coming from where Daryl was. I ran into the convenience store.

"Daryl?" I screamed cautiously. I looked down the first isle and couldn't find him. I ran to the next isle to find Daryl standing over a man's body, with an arrow between the dead man's eyes.

It was dark, but I could see Daryl's crisp blue eyes. "Are you ok?" I asked, worried about the gunshots I had heard earlier.

"Yeah, this idiot tried to sneak up behind me, but I put an arrow between his eyes." Daryl said, kicking up dirt.

"I heard gunshots and.." but before I could finish his sentence Daryl interrupted me.

"He missed."

I let out a sigh of relief knowing he was ok. "Everything ok in there?" Rick asked from the front of the store. "It's clear." I replied.

"You got everything?" I turned and asked Daryl, who has just pulled the arrow out of the dead guy's skull. He grunted back to me, I guess that means yes. We walked to the front of the store, where the only light in the whole store was shinning through the windows, leading us out. This was an easiest run we had been on in a while.

I stepped outside into the sun, the warmth of the sun hitting my face. I saw Rick, pulling up the car. He stepped out to help with all the supplies we had. Rick walked towards me, smiling from how much we had gotten. He reached out a hand to me and looked over my shoulder. I looked up to see that his smile was now gone. Something was defiantly wrong.

Daryl's POV

I had heard footsteps from behind me and quickly realized that the footsteps where too heavy to be Sarah's or Rick's. I slowly grabbed my crossbow and turned to see a man with a gun to my back. I fired my crossbow and heard gunshots. The man fell to the ground, with my arrow stuck in his skull.

"Daryl!" I heard Sarah' voice from the front of the store. I picked up my crossbow, realizing I had dropped it. I saw Sarah turn the corner, looking down at the man I had just killed. "Are you ok?" she asked me. "Yeah, this idiot tried to sneak up behind me, but I put an arrow between his eyes." I said kicking dirt.

I heard her say something about gunshots, but I quickly replied with "He missed." It was dark, but I could still see Sarah standing in front of me. I bent down to grab the supplies, hearing Sarah yelling something to Rick. My stomach hurt a little, but it was probably from all the adrenaline running through my body. Its just a little pain, man up! Sarah asked me something, but I didn't hear her from where she was standing so I just grunted back to her. We walked towards the front of the store and I could see sunlight.

I heard Rick's car pulling up and dropped the heavy amount of supplies I had. Why's it got to be so hot, feeling the sweat on my face. I went to rest my hand on my hip when I felt something wet on my shirt.

"Oh shit..."

I know this chapter is really short, but I am going to update later today, trust me. Don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE, and KEEP READING!!! Love all y'all!

My HopeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora