Chapter 64

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I got up and took over for T-Dog who was keeping watch. The sun was starting to come up and I saw Rick step out of his tent and head my way. I was sitting on a low branch in a tree, letting one of my legs swing down.

"Mornin'. Everythin' good?" Rick asked.

"All clear. Just a few squirrels and birds."

"You get any sleep?"

"No, not really." I knew Rick knew that I hadn't. For weeks I had been having nightmares of the farm and only Rick knew about it. He had found me having a nightmare when Daryl was out hunting and he swore to keep my secret for me. Every time I tried to get some sleep I would just have a nightmare of the farm and everything that happened.

"You should tell Daryl, I'm sure he'll understand." Rick shifted uncomfortably.

"What would I tell him? That I have nightmares of not being strong enough to protect the group? Not being strong enough to even protect myself? I don't know." I spotted Daryl coming out from the tree line and I quickly hopped down from the tree. I followed Rick back to camp and made it look like I just woke up so that Daryl wouldn't notice.

"Mornin'." Daryl muttered. Everyone was waking up and heading over to the fire, but it seemed that Daryl couldn't find anything for us to eat.

"I'm gonna go huntin' with Rick later, see if we can't find anything to eat." Daryl nodded over to Rick and they got ready to go and leave.

"Be careful out there." I said to Daryl.

"Sarah, your in charge until I get back." Rick quickly told me and Daryl and him set out to go and hunt. Alongside Daryl, I had become more like Rick's second in command. It was only once in a while when Rick left me in charge but it still meant something to me.

Lori, Beth, Carl, Carol and Hershel sat around the fire while Maggie, T, Glenn, Isaac and i stood around and talked.

"You think we'll find someplace safe?" Glenn asked.

"I hope so, Glenn. Do you mind keeping watch for a while, I know T was awake most of the night keeping watch." I asked. It felt awkward giving orders to my friends. Now I know how Rick feels.

"Sure, um...Maggie?" Glenn asked sheepishly.

T-Dog and I noticed Maggie blushing and we started to laugh. I knew that Maggie and Glenn were a couple now even though they weren't doing a great job hiding it from Hershel or the rest of the group.

Maggie and Glenn walked away together to go keep watch, hopefully, while T and I worked on things around camp. It was about noon when Rick and Daryl came back from hunting and Rick actually had a smile on his face.

"You find any food?" Carl asked as he ran up to Rick.

"Even better, I think we found our new home." Rick's words brought a smile to my face. Daryl walked over to me sheepishly nodded. I rolled my eyes at his nervousness and we all started packing up our things. Rick let us leave the cars and led us deep into the woods. Rick lead us to the tree line and there it was.

A prison.

Sorry for not updating for a while. School started back up again and it still sucks! I know this chapter is really short but I hope you like it. Trust me, there will be more Sarah and Daryl! I hope to update some more in a few days so keep with it!

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My HopeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora