Chapter 30

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Sarah's POV

Moonlight shone through the window, making the stars seem like little diamonds in the sky. I looked around realizing that I wasn't dead, but still in this hellhole. The gag in my mouth tasted like metal, probably because of all the blood. I was lying on my side, curled up in a ball.

I looked down at my stomach, which had a fresh new cut down it next to the old ones. I was curled in a ball, my wrists sore behind me from the rope digging into my skin. The cold hard ground against me skin, my legs sticking to the floor.

I tried to sit up, but was too weak. I knew that I didn't have a lot of time left if I was going to be left like this.

The door creaked open and I let my head fall to my side, onto the floor. In walked in both Isaac and his father, who both had their bags thrown over their shoulders. The father walked up to me, tossing his bag to the side, and bending down next to me.

I wasn't scared, I wasn't angry. I was just tired. He grabbed my chin with his hand, squeezing my face together with his fingers.

He leaned forward and kissed me, his sweaty lips touching mine. I closed my eyes and did what I could do stop him. He pulled away and stood up, picking up his bag that was on the floor. As he turned to leave, he turned back around, kicking me in the stomach one last time. I started to cough, gasping for air. It felt like I had been hit my a car, the cuts on my stomach being ripped open.

"It's been fun, but we gotta get moving." he said, a giant smile on his face. Isaac cowered behind his father, a look of guilt on his face. The father made a fake solute to me before walking out the door. Isaac gave me one last look of 'im sorry' before walking out the door.

As they both made their way down the hall. I heard Isaac yell something to his father.

"I forgot my bag I! I'll meet you outside!" Isaac's footsteps came back down the hall and into my room. He opened the door and peeked his head in. I was to tired and had given up hope that I would somehow get out of this. Isaac looked back out the door before walking to me and kneeling down.

He pulled out a knife, making me nervous and start to whimper. He brought his finger up to his mouth, giving me a sign to be quiet. He looked back once more and turned me around, cutting the rope.

The rope had cut into my skin, making it painful but also a rush of relief when he cut off the rope and tossing it aside. He removed my gag and started taking things from his bag.

He pulled out my gun, an extra knife and a large t-shirt, which was most likely his. As he turned to get up, I reached out my arm grabbing his wrist.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked.

"What he did was unforgivable. He shouldn't have done what he did and I shouldn't have let it happen." he replied, sorrow and grief in his eyes.

"I forgive you." I felt a single tear fall. He looked back at me before leaving the room and nodded. He left, the sound of a door slamming told me that they were gone.

I felt my whole body just fall back, relaxing every bruised muscle in my body feeling like jelly. I looked over at my gun. realizing that I was free. I wanted to scream in happiness, but instead I sat myself up.

As I leaned myself up onto my arms, they were shaking trying to hold my weight. I rolled onto my knees and leaned against the wall. I grabbed the t-shirt and threw it over me, stretching my bruised arms.

Once I got the shirt on, I grabbed the gun and knife, making sure the gun as loaded. I slowly and not that gracefully stood up. I, step by step, made my way to the door. I walked into the hallway and made sure that there was no one.

As I headed down the hallway, I saw that the door to a bathroom was open. I walked inside and saw a bottle of water and a granola bar sitting there, a note with the letter "I" on it. I thanked God for Isaac and scarfed down the food. I took sips of the water, knowing I would need it later. In the bathroom mirror I saw that I was bleeding through my shirt in various places on my body.

I could see the outline of the cuts on my stomach in the mirror, but also my reflection. I saw that my face as badly beaten. I had a black eye that had become very swollen, bruises all over my face, and cuts on my lips.

My hair was pulled back but knotted and lifeless. I turned from the bathroom, not wanting to see myself. I walked out of the house and felt the intense heat pouring over me. I lifted my arm trying to block the sun from my eyes.

As I walked out of the house, I realized that I was in a neighborhood not that far from the farm. We had passes this place on the way to the little gas station. I knew exactly how to get back home.

After walking for hours, the sun had gone down and it had become eerily dark outside. The sounds of the winds blowing through the trees made it seem even more scary out here that any other night. I had to stop and take a breather.

I leaned against a tree, taking the last sip of what was left in the bottle. Every bone in my body wanted me to just fall to the floor and sleep, but I knew that I wouldn't make it any longer.

My wounds were starting to take their tole, making each move I made harder and harder. Plus, the air had become very cold and bitter. I felt my body giving up on me.

I pushed myself off the tree and wrapped my arm over my bleeding stomach. I kept walking onto I made my way to the driveway that led to the farm. I looked down the little road, seeing the lights from the house and tents slowly flickering off telling me that everyone was going to sleep.

I began what seemed like running to the house. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, which wasn't very fast. I limped to the house, wanted to scream out but my throat to dry. The final light went out once I reached the house and I fell to the ground, having no more energy.

It became harder to breathe and I felt like I was going to pass out. I looked around for anything that I could make noise with. I saw one of the cars and dragged myself over to it. I pulled myself up, my legs barley supporting me.

The window was down and I reached in, pushing my hand on the horn. I pushed down as hard as I could before my legs buckled under me. The sound of the car horn echoed in my ears as I lie on the ground. I looked up at the starts in the clear night sky, seeing them become brighter and brighter. I let my eyes closer to the sounds of voices calling me.

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