Chapter 16

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Daryl and I walked side by side as he carried the dead deer over his shoulder. I was proud of what had just happened. Not that I was proud of killing the deer, but that Daryl had faith in my to do so. I had never had someone put so much faith in my before, to do something so little even though it meant so much.

I was staring at the trees above me as they blew with the wind. Today was perfect beside all the fighting that had been going on and the walker that tried to eat me. I was happy and content. Daryl and I finally made it back to the end of the tree line, seeing the farm. We stopped for a moment and paused, not wanting this moment to end. I looked over to him and smiled.

"Come on, lets go." I said as I started walking forward.

"I love you..." I head those three words echo from behind me.

"What?" I turned around, not knowing if I had been hearing things.

"I...i love you Sarah." Daryl said, letting the deer fall off his shoulder and onto the ground. He looked at me with such fear in his eyes. Fear of being rejected and fear of being unloved. I didn't know what to say for in that moment I was speechless.

Daryl loved me? Daryl Dixon actually loves me? I opened my mouth but nothing came out, my face not showing any emotion.

Daryl's face turned red and filled with anger. He quickly grabbed the deer and threw it over his shoulder. "I knew it..." he growled and walked passed me.

"Wait!" I screamed to him as he started walking to the tree line and out towards the farm.

"I shoulda known." he said, not looking back. I ran up to him and turned his shoulder to face me.

"Daryl, wait!" I said, looking into his eyes. They were full of hurt and pain, the emotion practically pored from them.

"Why should I?" he said angrily. "You don't care bout me! You don't give a shit bout me!" he said throwing his arm in the air.

"Daryl..." I couldn't finish my sentence before he spoke. "I ain't nothin to you but some dumb redneck trash..." he said now pacing in front of me. He looked so weak in that moment, so powerless.

"and I ain't good enough for you neither." he said turning towards the farm.

"Daryl please..." I begged, "I love you too." I said, tears now filling my eyes. He turned around to face me, like he had never heard those words before.

"What?" he said softly, as if he might scare me away. "I love you, Daryl." I said, tears now falling from my face. I realized what I had said and I truly meant those words with all my heart. I loved him and I had never loved someone so much.

I gave a weak smile as I tried to keep myself from bawling. He walked over to me wrapped his arm around my waist and put his hand on my cheek. His hand was warm against my skin, so gentle. He brought his lips to mine, kissing me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he picked me up, our lips never parting. We stayed like that until we had to come back up for air and he lowered me to the ground. I put my hands on his chest, feeling as it rose and fell. His hands gently rested on my arms as I face him. I looked up at him and a giant smile crept onto his face. He was so beautiful when he smiled, showing that there was more to him then what was on the outside.

"There's that smile." I said, rubbing my thumb against his bottom lip. He gave a little laugh and wrapped his arms around me again, lifting me into the air and swinging me around. I laughed as he put me down, almost knocking us over. Our lips met again and parted as quick as they met.

I put both my hands gently on his face, feeling his little scruff underneath my hands.

"I love you too." I said as his eyes came up and met mine. I saw happiness in his crisp blue eyes, for the first time in forever. Daryl listened to those words, carefully hearing every vowel. I moved a tiny piece of hair from his face. I sighed and slipped my hand into his, intertwining out fingers.

Daryl picked up the deer and his few squirrels and we started walking slowly back to the farm. The sun had slowly begun to set as we walked side by side. In a world of such darkness, I had found my light.

But I didn't know of a sudden darkness that would take hold of my light and slowly dim it out until there was almost nothing left.

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