Chapter 36

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The man beat me with his belt, hitting me over and over again. I screamed for someone, anyone to come and save me. The pain from the belt burned my whole body, making me feel like I was on fire.

I looked up at the man beating me, his face holding a giant smile. He laughed at me, mocking me. I covered my ears with my hands, the sound of his laugh echoing in my ears.

"Help me." I whispered to myself over and over again.

Help me...please.

"Sarah!" a voice shook me awake. I opened my eyes to see Daryl with his hands on my shoulders, trying to what seemed like wake me up.

I realized that my face was wet from crying. I was still lying on the floor, Daryl kneeling beside me. Daryl pulled me into him, wrapping me in his arms. I cried into his chest, feeling like the whole world had fallen onto me.

I caught my breath and stopped crying, pulling myself away from Daryl. I looked up at him, his eyes holding what seemed like so much emotion.

"You ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm...I'm fine." I answered back. I put my head in my hands and took a deep breathe.

I lifted my head and nodded to Daryl, "I'm fine." Daryl and I stood up, staring into each other's eyes. I fought the urge to kiss him, my heart telling me yes and my head telling me no.

Daryl nodded and walked to the sofa barricading the door, pushing it out of the way. He peeked through the peep hole and opened the door, closing it behind him.

I was left to pack up all our things. Everyone back at the farm was probably worried sick about us, especially after what happened last time I was out on a run.

I packed up everything, making sure that nothing would be left behind. I sat back down on the couch and saw the two granola bars and water bottle. I knew that I was really hungry because the last time I ate was yesterday afternoon.

Daryl's POV

I closed the door behind me and went searching for some gas. The fact that Sarah woke up this morning crying and begging for help, it killed me.

She still felt tormented by this guy, the man who attacked her. Last night, when I felt that scar on her arm, I knew exactly what it was.

My father did the same to me and my brother Merle. I know what it feels like to feel left behind, nobody to care bout you.

I found some gas and headed back to the house and I reached into my pocket for the keys to the bike when I felt something else. The necklace. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at it, stained from Sarah's blood. The thought of her bleeding and in pain, made me sick to my core.


Sarah's POV

I waited for what seemed like hours, just staring at the ceiling waiting for Daryl to come back. I guess he went out to look for some gas, or at least that was what I hoped he would be doing. I had heard the sound of the engine rumble outside then slowly fade away, and that was about twenty minutes ago.

I heard the sound of the motorcycle engine from outside and got up to look out the window. There Daryl pulled into the drive-way, waiting for me.

"I ain't got all day!" Daryl yelled. Looks like he is back to his old self again. I grabbed our things and walked towards the door. I took one last look at the house, wanting to hold onto the memory of Daryl holding me.

"Come on!" Daryl yelled once more.

"Don''t get your panties in a wad." I sneered back, making Daryl mad. I hopped onto the back of the bike, holding onto Daryl's shirt, too afraid to put my arms around him.

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