Chapter 61

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Sarah's POV

Its been about a month since we lost the farm and everyone else. Isaac and I were holed up in the back room of a gas station, basically stuck because of me. I was curled up in a ball underneath a blanket, unable to move cause of how sick I was. My stupid leg was infected and making me sick. So sick that I was too weak to even stand.

I was lying on a cot in back of the little station when I heard the door open. Isaac had just come back from going on a run, and hopefully with some food.

"Anything good?" I asked. We hadn't eaten in about two days and he had gone in search of food early this morning.

"Yep." he replied. He pulled bags of chips and two bottles of water out of the duffle bag. I slowly sat up, but instantly became dizzy from doing it too fast. I leaned against the wall and Isaac tossed me a bag of chips. I ate them, thankful for the food.

Isaac sat in the corner of the dark room organizing all our supplies.

"You should just leave me here, I'm dragging you down." I told him, wrapping myself in the warm blanket.

"Why would I save your life just to leave you to die afterwards?" Isaac joked. He walked over to me and touched his hand to my forehead.

"You've still got a fever. I'll go search for more medicine tomorrow." Isaac said sitting back down. Isaac threw me another bag of chips, but I just threw them back.

"You need to eat, keep your strength up." Isaac scolded me.

"What about you? You gonna starve?" I questioned him.

"I'm not hungry right now." he squared back as he threw the chips at me.

"God, your worse then Daryl." I joked. Just saying his name hurt. I hadn't thought about him in a almost a month, it being just too painful to think about. After that, Isaac took the bag of chips and quietly ate it.

I laid back down and closed my eyes and so did Isaac. I woke up a few hours later, seeing on a watch that I found that it was really late. I wanted to fall back asleep, but couldn't when I heard something coming from the outside room.

"Isaac!" i whispered yelled. He didn't stir. I called his name again, but he was out like a light. A girls got to do what a girls gotta do. As quietly as I could, I pulled the blanket off me and slow, but surely, stood up. I only had the use of one good foot, so I grabbed a flashlight and a knife and opened the door to the front of the gas station.

I slowly limped out to the store which was pitch black. The sound of shuffling and clanking grew louder, directing me to the far side of the store. I was already drained of energy, but I wasn't comfortable sleeping with walkers in the store. I made it over to the last isle and peeked around the corner, only seeing movement coming from a walker. I took a deep breathe and leaned on my bag leg, sending a shooting pain through it.

I prepared myself to be attacked and got my knife ready and turned on the flashlight, ready to blind the walker. 1, 2, 3!

I stepped out and pointed the light at the walker and mustered up all the energy I had left.

"What the hell!" the walker yelled. Wait, walkers can't speak. The person blocked the light from their face by using their hands. I lowered the flashlight to the persons chest, so I could still see their face. The person was wearing an all to familiar baseball hat.



Suddenly black dots filled my vision and I became dizzy. I fell back into one of the shelves, and heard crashing as I fell to the floor.

I had no more energy and closed my eyes, letting the darkness consume me.

Hey you guys! I just wanted to say that I will be trying to update daily while on Xmas break! Hopefully more than once a day! Also, a thanks to all those new followers of mine. I hope to see a few more followers and more comments! Love seeing that you guys are still out there! You guys liking the story so far? Favorite moments? Questions? I love hearing from you guys! Hope you are enjoying Christmas break so far! See ya soon!!!

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