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What if you were given a second chance? Just one more chance at making things right again. Would you go to your loved ones and tell them how much you really love them? Hold them close? Maybe try to fix something that you had messed up? What would you do with it?

Well, I was given this chance. A real second chance to survive in a world where if you breathe to loudly or noisily, you could die. This was my chance at redemption. The chance for me to prove to not only myself, but to my group who I really was. Who I could be.

But there was a catch that came with this 'second chance'. I would have to loose the most important thing that I had. My will to stay alive, my meaning.

I'd lose love. I would have to lose My Hope.

Thank you to my amazing readers for sticking with me throughout this journey of "My Hope". It had been an amazing year and I've had a blast writing this story! When I first started this story, it was because I had written some small things and my friend told me that I could start writing an actual story here on Wattpad! There are no words to describe how thankful I am to every single person who has read my story. It literally means the world to me. I never thought that I would get up to 75, 000 reads! That is crazy!

Yes, it is sad that "My Hope" is ending, but don't kill me just yet! There will be a Sequel called "New Hope"!!!! I started working on it yesterday and I will have it up today!! I promise and I hope you all choose to continue reading.

Also, guess what???? I MET NORMAN REEDUS!!!! I went to the Wizard World in my city and got my picture with him! He was soooo nice and I got to wish him a happy fathers day. He called my sister and I "cuties"!  I asked him for a hug and he gave me a giant bear hug! When I wished him a happy fathers day right before I left, he said "Thanks babe." I literally died and went to heaven!!!

So, any guesses as to what meant when she said she had to "lose my Hope"?? I would love it if I had a lot of comments! I enjoy seeing and hearing everyone's feedback.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading and don't forget to check out "New Hope".

Don't forget...COMMENT and VOTE!!!

My HopeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora