Chapter 43 - Victories and Challenges

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Your whole body seemed to be floating as Noctis held you close to his chest.  You slowly opened your eyes as you looked up at him.  His eyes seemed to glow as he gave you a slight smile. But this time they weren't red. Instead his bright blue eyes seemed to shine like the sun reflecting through the ocean waters.

You couldn't seem to say a word as your throat tighten up from emotion. The tears started to form in your eyes as you beamed back at him.  Everything in your body screamed out in joy at knowing that he felt the same way that you felt. You reached out with your right hand and placed it on his cheek.  Then you slowly leaned up and kissed him gently on the lips.

The moment your lips touched, the rest of the world seemed to disappear. For all that mattered was the two of you. And your eyes may have been closed. But you could swear that you saw stars shining as you melted against him.

"Not to be rude you two." Ignis interrupted. "But there is a time and place for that. And now is not the time, and certainly not the place."

"Not with everyone's attention on us right now." He continued as he knelt down as a means of blocking the two of you from everyone else. "It's not very becoming, your highness, to be making out in front of everyone.  Now does it?"

You quickly broke away as you felt the heat start to rise in your cheeks from being called out like that. But you knew that he was right. It didn't look good for royalty to be showing that kind of affection in public.  Not unless you wanted to get some serious headlines in the Insomnia Tribune.

"No. I suppose not." You heard Noctis quietly say as you sat back up as Noctis released you.

But Noctis didn't let you get far away as he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you to his side.  Ignis then reached over and grabbed your right wrist. You instantly winced from the touch, then gasped from the pain as he applied a small amount of pressure. He then slid the sleeve on your jacket down to your elbow.

You couldn't help but to cringe as he examined your black and blue wrist. He then turn your arm over so that he could see the bruising around your wrist. You cried out from the pain as he got a good look at your wrist.

"They certainly did a number to you.  Didn't they?" He asked in a concerned voice.

"Yeah." You said through gritted teeth as you dropped your gaze.

"And you said it was Gwen who attacked you?" Ignis asked in a firm tone.

You dropped your head more as you slightly nodded your head as you felt like shrinking out of sight. Even after all of the training that they have been doing with you. You still got hurt. Perhaps you weren't meant to be a retainer. How were you suppose to protect Noctis when you couldn't even protect yourself from a bully? Suddenly you felt Ignis released your hand completely.

"Go grab a wrap from Tredd."  Noctis said as he gently grabbed your hand.

"Of course." Ignis said then stood up.

"A wrap?"  You asked as you looked at Noctis as he cradled your arm against your stomach.

"It will help support your wrist."  Noctis said as he pulled you closer to him so that he could keep your arm firmly against your waist with his hand.

You slowly started to relax as you looked at Noctis.  He slightly smiled at you before looking over at Ignis and following him with his eyes as he walked up to one of the Glaves who had been keeping watch the whole meet. You turned back towards Ignis and watched as they handed him something. Ignis nodded at the glave before turning back around and heading back to you.

When Ignis came back over, he was holding a roll of sports tape. You gave him a confused look as he knelt back down in front of you. He gave you a gentle smile as he gently took your right arm and laid it on his leg. Then he took the tape and started wrapping up your wrist. You winced slightly at the pressure, but the more he wrapped it, the better it felt. After one full wrap around, he wrapped some tape around your thumb so that you couldn't move your wrist anymore then necessary to race. Then he finished it off with one more wrap around your wrist then he torn off the end and smoothed it down with the rest of the tape.

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