Chapter 45 - Happy Memories

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The roar of car engines drifted out of Noctis' opened bedroom doors and into the quiet garden.  The occasional call out from the two of you could be heard as you teased each other as you raced.  A couple of the housekeepers were snickering to each other as they walked through the garden as they made their way to the kitchen.  Even the gardener couldn't help a slight chuckle when he heard Noctis loudly groan from a defeat.

"Ugghh.  How did you do that?"  Noctis loudly asked you as he looked over at you as you sat on the couch with your legs crossed, a smirk on your face, and a controller in your hand. 

"Easy.  Skill."  You smirked back.

"Skill?"  He asked as he smirked back.  "I'll show you skill."

You couldn't help but to grin back at him as he sat up straight while setting up for the next race.  He certainly seemed to be enjoying himself now as you watched a slight smile come across his face as he selected the next track for the next race.  Which made you happy.  You had almost forgotten how much fun that it was to just hang out with him.  And it certainly had been way too long since it was just the two of you as you played together.

"Alright miss hotshot."  He said as he seemed to tense up as he gave you a slightly serious smile.  "Let's see how you do with this track."

"Bring it princey."  You returned with a smirk as you leaned forward as you got ready to start.

"Princey?"  Noctis asked as he gave you a perplexed look.

"Would you prefer nerd?"  You asked with a tilt of you head.

Noctis then narrowed his eyes at you.  But you were grateful to see that the smile never left his face.  You had been nervous at first when he first looked at you.  But it seemed that the friendly jab was taken as such.  Even though it did seem to ignite a fire in him.

And you could almost feel that tension between the two of you as the countdown started on the screen.  And as it got closer to one, you both got really quiet as you anxiously waited.  You were both revving your engines as you hunched down more as you focused on the screen.  And on the green, both of you seemed to slam on the gas at the sametime and quickly started to brake away from the rest of the pack.

You couldn't help but to smile as the two of you got free from the rest of the cars and were soon  racing neck for neck as you headed into the hairpin turn.  And in almost perfect unison, both of you skillfully drifted your cars around the corner before slamming on the gas again.  Then you quickly started putting some distance between the pack and the two of you.  You couldn't help but to smile as you raced side by side and flew around the corners as you raced along the track.  

And Noctis seemed to have the same smile as he slightly licked his lips as the hairpin turn approached.  You couldn't help but to smile more as you started to pull away.  But then right as you started to drift, Noctis struck your car and knocked it off the track before he whipped past you.  

"Hey!"  You yelled at him.  "Not nice."

"What are you going to do about it?"  Noctis asked with a slight grin as he started to pull further and further away from you.

"Uuuuugh.  I'll show you what I'm going to do about it."  You returned as you placed both feet on the ground and sat up right next to him as you quickly got your car back on the road as the rest of the pack started to catch up.

"Better hurry up."  Noctis replied with a smile.

"Ahhh."  You said as another car slammed you into the wall, which cost you more even more ground.  "Damnit." 

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