Chapter 13 - Test of Heart

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You and Ignis each pulled out a chair and sat down looking at each other. "So, tell me what happened." Ignis said.

You took a deep breath so that you could steady your nerves. Then you looked down at your lap and placed your hands on your legs. You tried to steady not only your body, but your mind as well. Then as you sat there looking down, you told him everything that had just happened. You started from setting the plate down, on up until you slammed the door shut after you kicked her out. As you recalled everything, you could feel your anger starting to rise up in your again.

How dare she come over to my house, unannounced, and insult me in my own home. Who does that kind of shit?  You thought out of frustration.  Well apparently she does.

Ignis just sat there as he listened quietly as you told him the events. After you had finished, he looked down and shook his head. He had had an idea that that was what had transpired. It seemed that Gwen wasn't exactly being subtle about any of it.

She just doesn't quit. He thought as he closed his eyes for a moment. I think that I should fill (Y/N) in before this gets out of hand again.

"Perhaps I should tell you a bit more about the relationship between Gwen and I." Ignis said as he leaned over and put his elbows on his knees.

You sat back a minute as you held your breath.

"Please don't tell me that you two dated or something."  You said as you could feel your heart starting to race.

"No, it's nothing like that." He said as he sat back in the chair as he looked right at you. "Well, not officially anyway."

You cocked your head to the side as you narrowed your eyes at him.  "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Gwen and I have known each other since we were kids.  But that was due to all of the formal dinners and celebrations that were held at the Citadel. I would always be with my uncle and she was with her parents. And since her parents are in charge of most of the technology research that is conducted in Insomnia. They would always come up and talk to my uncle about the various projects that they were working on. 

"They were of course always trying to get more funding for their research that was being conducted.  Which depended heavily upon King and the Citadel.  This is, if they would be willing to pay more into their company to fund that research."  Ignis said before he sat back and crossed his arms in front of himself.

"Well as you can imagine, this was not interesting for any child.  Most of the time you would find the two of us just standing off by ourselves, so as not to interrupt their conversation. Now there were times when I would have Noctis to take care of.  But that was only when the royal family was scheduled to attend. 

"His majesty didn't attend all of them though.  But the ones he did, I quite enjoyed more, since I would be asked to watch over Noctis.  It would always make the party a lot more entertaining, at least for me. Unfortunately that would leave Gwen by herself for the most part."  Ignis said before he rested his head in his hand.

"Well it was during one of these dinner parties that I happen to notice that she looked even lonelier than usual.  So as her parents were chewing my uncle's ear off, I approached her to see if everything was alright.  That was when she told me how much she hated coming to the parties.  Especially since there wasn't anything for her to do but just sit there and look pretty for her parents.  And that day in particular had her really upset since it was her birthday.  But instead of her having her own party, they had decided to attend the dinner party at the citadel instead."

Your eyes got big as you felt your heart start to hurt.  How could someone's parents be so heartless to forgo a party for their child, in order to attend a party for a business deal.  Sure you had never had a huge party yourself.  It was usually just you and your family.  But at least it was all for you.  And not some stranger.

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