Chapter 40 - The Truce

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You sat on the bleachers as you tried to concentrate on your assignment for Korn. But the constant noise of a basketball being dribbled by Noctis kept interrupting your train of thought.

"Come on." Noctis teased you.

"Just one game." He said as he kept dribbling the ball.

"Noctis please. I have to get this done." You said as you tried to focus on what you were reading.

"Come on." Noctis said as he got closer to you. "I'll go easy on you."

You looked up and gave him a crooked smile. "Like that would ever happen."

"How do you know if you never give me a chance?" He teased as he started dribbling the ball in between his legs.

"If I do, will you promise to let me do my work afterwards." You said as you looked him straight in the eye.

Noctis stop in his tracks and held the ball to his heart.

"I promise." He said with an excited smile.

You smiled as you rolled your eyes. Sometimes he really was just a kid. But that was what you loved about him. It gave him that playfulness that kept both of you laughing and enjoying every moment together. And you knew that you couldn't resist him when he was like this. So you put your paper in your book before putting the book on the bench.

"Fine." You said with a smile as he beamed back at you.

Then you stepped down from the bleachers and walked onto the court. Noctis had a huge grin on his face as you walked over to him. Then he tossed the ball at you.

"You can start off first." He said as he put his hands up as he started defending the hoop.

You rolled the ball in your hands for a few seconds as you smiled back at him. You knew that you should be studying. But watching him sliding across the floor in front of you as he blocked the hoop, made you forget what you writing about anyway. And besides, wasn't your top priority to keep an eye on him? Well, what better way, then to play with him.  Right?

"Alright." You said then started dribbling the ball as you tried to get close enough for a shot.  "Let's play."


After awhile, you lost track of the score since there wasn't really one. It was plainly obvious that he was the better player. Which is why the game shifted to simply seeing who could get past the other and try and score.  And the time seemed to fly by as the two of you took turns defending the hoop and taking shots.

"Ahh, come on." Noctis teased you as you slightly slumped over as you tried to catch your breath. "You can't be tired now."

"Speak for yourself." You said as you watched him breathing hard as well. "You can't seem to catch your breath either."

"Catch my breath huh? I'll show you what I can catch." He said as he quickly moved up to you and grabbed you around the waist.

You slightly screamed as he roughly grabbed you. You started to laugh as he whipped you around and made you dropped the ball. Then you both stopped as he pulled you in front of him so that you were both looking at each other. The air seemed to immediately shift as you both looked at each other with a slight smile.

You could feel a different feeling between the two of you as he held you. But you weren't sure why. And even as everything inside you told you that you should let go. You couldn't seem to break the almost trance state that you were both in as you looked at each other. That was until you heard a certain accented voice calling from the other side of the court.

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