Chapter 9 - Fight

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THE sunlight streaming in through your sliding glass doors was trying to wake you out of your restless slumber. But you only groaned and rolled over.

I didn't want to get up. In fact I never want to get up again. Not after what had happened. You thought as you tightened up your grip on your comforter. I just couldn't take anymore lies. I swear that this cruel world is just waiting to torture me some more. It's best just to sleep and be alone. It's the only safe place anymore. No one can hurt me if I'm asleep.

But it looked like the world was bound and determined to interrupt your peace as your phone started vibrating on your nightstand. You rolled over and grabbed your phone to see who it was. Your heart rate increased as you saw Noctis' name on your screen as he was trying to call you again. You hung up the phone and slammed it back down on its face.

Then you rolled back over and grabbed your pillow. All of the pain from that night came flooding back to you all over again.  And all you could do was bury your face in the bedding to muffle the tears and started to flow again. This had become a routine at that point with every call that he made to you.  But even that never stopped until the sheets were once again soaked as you laid there and cried for what seemed like hours.

It had been three days since you had been at the Citadel for dinner. But you still remembered it as if it had been the night before where you had passed out from stress and dehydrated. Your parents had had to take you back to the hospital where they had pumped you full of fluids. Then once you were good, they let you go. But by then, your family was tired and just ready to be home.

Since then Noctis had been calling your phone everyday as he tried to reach you. But he was the last person that you wanted to talk to. Every time you saw his name show up on your phone, your heart felt like it was being ripped out and stomped on. A few times you had even silently hoped that you would never have to see him again.

But as you slowly calmed back down and laid there clinging to your pillow. You knew that you were being silly by laying in bed the whole time. Which at the time you really didn't care if you were being silly. Because your heart hurt too much to do anything else. Which left you having no interest in leaving your room anytime soon.

As you quietly laid there, you could hear a bird outside singing it's song. You closed your eyes as you tried to relax. You thought about how nice it must be outside if the birds were signing so happily. And that was when you heard your door crack open.

"Hey honey." Said your mom softly to you. "Someone is here to see you."

"I don't want to see anyone." You said as you buried your head under your pillow.

Your mom slightly smiled as she sighed. Then she walked over to your bed and sat on the edge. She then started rubbing your back as she spoke to you. Her warm touch felt nice as she comforted you.

"Come on, dear." She started. "It's been three days. The doctor said that you were fine. And besides, this young man has been trying to see you ever since we got back from the hospital. Don't you think that you should at least say hi?"

"I don't want to." You said in a muffled voice.

"Are you sure? It would be a shame to turn him away again. He is quite handsome and he has stopped over quite a few times to see you." Your mom returned as she continued to rub your back as she tried to get you to relax.

"I don't care. I don't want to see him or anyone else for that matter." You said as you tightened your grip on the pillow.

Your mom sighed as she rubbed your back one more time before she stood back up and started walking back out of the room. "Okay. I'll go let him know."

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