Chapter 11 - Study Buddies

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THE ride home was quiet for the most part, aside from the traffic and the music playing on the radio. You quietly hummed along to some of your favorite songs as the car passed by the many people and buildings that lined the streets. You loved to watch people as they walked around and tended to their many errands. You liked to imagine what their destinations and plans were for that day.

Some you could tell were shopping for new clothes while others were picking up their dry cleaning. Many were eating at the various restaurants that were throughout the city. This made you smile to yourself as you thought about what you would make for dinner that night. Perhaps an old favorite, spaghetti.

Then in what seemed like no time at all, the car pulled up in front of the house. Ignis climbed out first then held out his hand in an attempt to help you get out. You looked at his hand at first. Then you looked up at him, out of confusion. He smiled back at you when he saw your confusion.

"Would you like a hand getting out?" He asked with a smile.

"Oh." You answered blushingly as you realized how silly you must look.

Then you slid over to the door and placed on hand on the car door and the other in his hand and stepped out of the car.

"Thank you Ignis." You said once you were standing outside of the car.

"It's my pleasure." He said as he closed the door.

Then he walked over to the car's front passenger door to talk to Tredd.

"I'll go unlock the door." You said as you started towards the house.

"Very well." Ignis said before leaning his head toward the front passenger window as Tredd lowered it so that they could talk.

"Careful Ignis. You know that your uncle wouldn't be pleased with you if you got distracted at this point in your training." Tredd warned Ignis as soon as you were out of ear shot.

Ignis stopped and looked at him with an irritated look. "Whether I'm distracted or not is none of your concern. And besides, I'm just helping her out with her studies. It should help me get a better understanding of how I can teach and train Noctis."

"Yeah. You keep telling yourself that." Tredd said with a sly smile. "Just don't forget what your role is to Noctis and to the King. Girls at your age will cause nothing but problems."

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind." Ignis returned. "I'll call when I'm done."

"Hmm." Tredd said back as Ignis turned towards the house.

"And I'm serious Ignis. Don't get distracted!" He shouted after him as Ignis started up the driveway.

Then he put the car in drive and pulled away.

Ignis paused at the front door and thought about what Tredd had just said.

Don't get distracted? As if I would allow myself to let her have that effect on me. He thought as he stared down at the ground as he remembered the recent events.

"Ignis?" You asked after you opened the front door to find him still standing outside. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. My apologies. I was lost in thought there for a minute." He said as he raised his gaze to look at you.

"Well, come on in." You said with a smile as you went back into the house.

Ignis turned and looked at where the car had been just a moment ago.

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