Chapter 17 - Training Room

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The next day found you nervously clutching your gym bag as you rode over to the Citadel. Ignis and Noctis were both talking about the swim team tryouts that were going to be happening in a few days.

"So (Y/N), what do we need to do in order to get on the team?" Noctis asked.

"Huh. Oh sorry I wasn't paying attention." You said as you tried to calm down.

"Are you alright?" Ignis asked when he saw your face.

"I'm sorry. I'm just nervous." You said as you looked down.

"You can't possible be as nervous as I am about the tryouts." Noctis stated with a nervous smile.

You smiled back at him.

"You, have nothing to be nervous about. The tryouts are actually very simple. They will have everyone do a lap or two of each stroke, so that they can see how well you know each stroke and which ones you need to work on. Your strongest stroke will be the one that they will have you initial race until you get stronger in the others, or until you have 'mastered' your strongest stroke and want to learn another one really well."

"Oh. Is that all." Noctis said In a relaxed tone as he sat back more.

But then he shock his head and looked back at you with a confused look. "Wait. What are strokes?"

"Your kidding right?" You asked as you stared at him.

Ignis started chuckling. "He knows them."

"Well, most of them anyway." Ignis continued as he straightened up his glasses with his middle finger. "He just doesn't know what they're called."

"How can you not know the name of the strokes?" You asked Noctis with a stunned look.

Noctis just rolled his eyes as he looked away from you. "I didn't really care what they were called. I just wanted to swim. So I just did the same thing as Ignis."

"Well for your sake I hope so, otherwise you will have a much harder time than you think." You replied as you looked at them. "Perhaps I could help you out with your techniques before tryouts. Just to make sure."

"Now that's not a bad idea." Ignis answered. "In fact we could all help each other get ready for tryouts."

"Now that's an idea that I really like." Noctis added as he looked back at you and smiled.

"Me too." You replied with a smile to Noctis before you glanced back at Ignis.

"Like a quid pro quo." You added as you smiled at Ignis.

"Precisely." Ignis said with a slight smirk.

Noctis looked at both you with a strange look. "Wait? A what?"

"You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours." You explained to Noctis.

"Oh, that. Yeah....yeah I knew that." Noctis said as he looked away.

You tried to hide a laugh as you looked at Ignis. Ignis smiled back and slightly shook his head as he looked down.

Before you knew it, you were once again being driven in through the front gates of the Citadel. Noctis glanced back at you and watched your reaction as you looked back up at the walls as they towered above. He had long ago learned to hate the massive walls that surrounded the perimeter. But he loved watching your reaction to the structure.

It was the exact opposite of his view. Because to him, they were nothing but prison walls. But as he watched you, he could see your face light up with wonder and excitement.

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