Chapter 57 - The Near Perfect Escape

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"You telling me that this is the girl that we have been trying to get for the last four months?" You heard someone ask in a really deep voice. "She's nothing by a child."

"I can assure you Emperor Legolas, she is more than just a child." You heard Caligo say as he stood not to far from you as you were kneeling on the ground. "This girl not only possesses the same warping gift as Noctis himself.  But also shows the potential for having a bit more."

You slightly opened your eyes so that you could see where you where. You slightly moved your eyes as you glanced around the room without moving your head.  As you scanned the area, you saw that you were surrounded by soldiers.  And as you looked through the soldiers, and saw what looked to be a huge machine to your left. 

Just in front of you was a large throne type seat.  And seated in that throne was someone wearing an all white, full length robe.  You figured that must be the Legolas guy that Caligo just mentioned.  Which made your heart stop the moment that you realized that you knew that name.

Emperor Legolas? Could that be thee, Emperor Ledolas Aldercapt who rules over all of Nifelheim? Shit!  This isn't good

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Emperor Legolas? Could that be thee, Emperor Ledolas Aldercapt who rules over all of Nifelheim? Shit!  This isn't good. You thought to yourself as you whole body went tense. I have to get out of here.

"She is the perfect specimen that we need to test out our machine." You heard a deep male voice growl.

"She has also proven to be very resourceful by being very well protected by the royal family.  At least until last night that is." You heard your Caligo say. "She may prove to be a very useful persuasion tool with the young prince, your excellency."

Immediately your heart started racing. Holy shit! I really have to get out of here. They want to use me against Noctis.

Your whole body was now on high alert from learning what they really wanted you for.  And it wasn't to get your parents to give up any and all secrets that they had on the empire and on Insomnia.  No, they had a greater purpose for you.  And it was more than personal. 

What they were proposing, could potential get to Noctis, King Regis, and all of Insomnia, through you.  And if this machine that they were talking about had something to do with their warping power, then all of Lucis was in potential trouble.

Damn it! You shouted at yourself. How could I be so stupid?! I have to stop them.  I can't let the empire learn anything else.  And I certainly won't stay here to be used like a tool.  Or let anyone else being used by them for that matter.  No, it's time for us to leave this place.  And I mean all of us.

"So young lady, what secrets do you have for me?" You heard Legolas' silky voice ask you.

You sat there and didn't move as you felt your hands start to shake as you tried to figure out how to get out of the ropes that were holding you. If only you could get a blade, then you could cut your way out. You closed your eyes again as you tried to think. Is it possible to only summon an arrow without the bow? There was only one way to find out. You thought as you concentrated on only an arrow in your hand. You could picture the slim metal shaft with it's razer blade tip and feathery tail.

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