Chapter 48 - Party Crashers

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You watched as Ignis slowly grabbed your hand and placed a clear container on it that held your favorite flower. You silently gasped as you looked down at the beautiful corsage that Ignis had just handed you. You put your other hand up to your mouth to keep yourself from screaming and crying all at the same time. You have never been given a corsage before.

And as you stared at your favorite flower as it seemed to beam back at you, you couldn't help but to feel like a princess all over again.  Which is why you couldn't find the words to describe the emotions that were running through your head at that moment.  Except that now you knew why Monica had screamed. For your heart wanted you to scream out as well.

Ignis felt his heart leap as he saw your reaction to the corsage. He knew you liked that particular flower.  But based on you reaction, he got the sense that you had never seen it in a corsage arrangement before. Which made his heart start to race as he opened up the plastic container and carefully pulled out the flower. Then he sat the container off to the side and took your hand again.

Then he slowly wrapped his fingers around your hand as he started to put the flower on your wrist. He slid the flower into place with his fingers as they slide over your hand, leaving your skin tingling again in its wake. Once the flower was in place, he raised your trembling hand to his lips and gently kissed your fingers as he gave you a compassionate look.

You instantly felt weak in the knees again as you stared at him in surprise. This was when everything else around you seemed to disappear.  Because at that moment you became lost in his dark emerald eyes for the first time.  He lowered your hand and slightly smirked at you.

Your emotions seemed to take over at that moment as your hands and body began to move on their own.  For your hand moved up to his face and softly touched his cheek. Then you stepped forward and leaned up as you gently pressed your lips to his.

Instantly you felt electricity fly through your body as the kiss seemed to ignite a heat that you had never experienced before. You closed your eyes as you became overwhelmed for a moment before Ignis pulled away.  He slowly looked down as he moved back.  You slightly gasped as you tried to catch your breath as the shock of what you just did sank in.

"We should head to the gym now."  He whispered to you as he fought to gain control of his body again from a heat that was now coursing through him.

You slowly opened your eyes again and looked up at him. You were greeted with what looked like passion and heat in his eyes as he looked at you.  Your heart pounding in your chest from the tingling that was running through you at the idea that he had perhaps felt it to.  But then you blinked and you didn't see even a hint of it anymore.  

You took a step back in confusion.  Didn't he feel that too?

But as he released your hand and simply held out his arm, you were starting to doubt that he had.  And maybe, perhaps you were seeing things.  There was not way he could recover that quickly if he did.  Right?

"Yeah." You barely managed to say as you tried to breath again as you absently grabbed his arm.

"Aaahum." You heard from the side, which seemed to jar you back out of the trance Ignis had you in. 

"Ready?"  You heard Gladio ask.

You both turned to see Gladio and Monica standing there with her hand on his arm as they both beamed at the two of you. You dropped your head as you tried to hide the heat in your cheeks. The last thing you wanted was for them to think that something major had actually happened.  Especially since Ignis was playing it off as if it hadn't.  But apparently it only affected you, you thought as you wrapped your hand around his arm again as he turned towards the door.

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