Chapter 12 - Chances

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The last few days had been some of the best days since you started attending middle school.  You were finally getting into the swing of things with your classes.  You hadn't missed your bus, your homework was almost completed (and you had been getting all perfect scores on them by the way), even Gwen seemed to of decided to leave you alone.  Life couldn't be better in your eyes.  One might even say that you were flying on cloud 9.  The main reason though, could be the fact that your afternoons were filled with spending time with Ignis.

You couldn't wait for choir to start so that you see him again.  Which is why you were struggling to pay attention in math.  (Which wasn't the easiest task to begin with.)  You would stare at the clock and drum your pencil on the desk as the last few minutes would tick away.  Then as soon as the bell would ring, you were the first one out of the room so that you could quickly go to your locker and then head off to choir.  You had learned that it was easier to carry everything with you that needed to get done that night, rather than trying to get back to your locker before the bus arrived.  Besides, you and Ignis would talk for a bit after choir so that you could work out a time for him to come over.

Most of the time he would stop by within about a hour after school let out and would stay for about two hours before heading home himself.  But tonight you knew would be a bit different. You only had a few things left to do, so he didn't think that would even take the full two hours and you would have everything done. The thought of not having him stop by the house anymore had you feeling a bit down. You had really enjoyed having him over.

He was starting to be like one of the family now. Your dad wasn't as paranoid and even your mom had started to make sure that there was enough snacks for the two of you to eat while you were studying.  At times you couldn't help but to look at him as your big brother with the way that he had been.  But all that was about to end and you were about to be left all alone again.

Which is why you didn't really feel like singing during choir that day. Instead you just watched as Ignis played the piano.  You loved to watch how his fingers seemed to dance across the keys, as the piano seemed to sing out the tones as if it was wanting to please him.  You had watched people play the piano before, but none with as much passion as he did.  Occasional he would close his eyes while playing as he carefully listen to the tones to ensure that the pitch was just right.

You often wondered where he had learned to play, but a part of you was a bit afraid to ask.  Whenever you would bring up his past or even just his family, he would tend to steer away from the subject and rather quickly.  It was obvious that it was something that he didn't want to talk about.  Which, of course, made you wonder about it more.  Had his past been that bad?  Or was he ashamed of where he came from?  Your heart ached when you thought about it.

When class was over, you were lost in your own thoughts.  You hadn't notice that Ignis had been looking over at you.  He watched you for a minute and wondered what had you so out of it.  So he got up and started to head towards you when the dismissal bell rang. 

The bell broke your concentration enough for you to realize that it was time to head out.  You reached down and grabbed your backpack and absently started towards the door.  You were unaware that Ignis was just within ear shot as you walked out. But he ended up getting caught up in the crowd and couldn't seem to get through.

"(Y/N)."  He called after you. 

But you didn't hear him due to the people talking around you.

"(Y/N)!" He called again. 

"Excuse me, I need to get through."  He told the people that were just in front of him. 

"Hey man.  Wait your turn like everyone else."  Said one of the male students who was right in front of him.

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