Chapter 51 - The Next Morning

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"Help me!" You heard off in the distance.

"Hold on! I'm on my way!" You shouted back as you raced towards the voice.

But the hallway never seemed to end as you ran. It seemed the faster you ran, the longer the hallway got. Finally you could see a girl on the ground as she was reaching out towards you. But then as you ran, you seemed to be trapped, for your legs wouldn't move anymore.

"What's the matter?" Your heart stopped as you heard a voice you only heard in your worst nightmares. "Can't you get to her?"

You turned around and saw a person covered in all black except for their eyes. But you knew those eyes that were looking at you. And they sent chills down your spine as you froze in place. They grabbed your arm and spun you around and slammed you into the locker. The sound echoed in your ear. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you smelled the harsh spice of his cologne. You tried to fight back, but he kept you trapped against the locker.

"Get off me!" You shouted.

"Oh no." The familiar male voice said right in your ear. "Not until you get me off." Then their hand started to wander down you body and towards your sweet spot.

"!"   You screamed in your head as you felt his hand move across your skin.

But right as he was about to touch your intimate spot, you quickly sit up and looked around the room in a panic. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you frantically looked around for him. But the only thing you saw was a dark bedroom. The only light was coming from the glow of your alarm clock. You gasped for breath as you tried to calm back down as you realized that you were safely in your room. 

You looked at the bed and saw that you were still on top of the bedding with your clothes on and your blanket now off to your side.  Then your heart leaped as you felt a hand touch yours.  You quickly jerked back and looked beside you.  That was when you saw Noctis sitting up as he looked around the room with his hand off to the side as if he was getting ready to summon his sword.

"What's going on?"  He quietly asked as he scanned your room before he looked at you.  "Did something happen?"

You tried to answer him.  But words didn't seem to want to form.  All you could do was slide your knees up to your chest and wrap your arms tightly around them as you curled up into a ball.  It had been a dream.  Right?

But if it was a dream, then why did you still smell his spicy cologne. You closed your eyes and tightened up your grip on your knees as you tried to stop shaking.  But it just didn't seem to be enough.  All you could do was calm down to a steady tremble.

I can't let this get to me. I just got over this. I can't go backwards. Not now. You argued with yourself.

But then you felt a hand gently wrap around yours.  You slowly opened your eyes and looked over at Noctis.  He gave you a slight smile as he moved closer and pulled you against his chest as if he was trying to protect you. Then you felt a gentle kiss on your temple as he snuggled up with you.

"Don't worry princess.  I'm here."  Noctis said in a calm voice.  "And on ones going to get you while your with me." 

You exhaled and closed your eyes, as you felt your body finally relax again. Then the two of you laid back down on the bed and covered back up with the blanket.  Noctis put his arm back around you as he spooned you from behind.  And with a smile, you curled up closer to him as you got comfortable. Then with a smile on your both of your faces, the two of you fell back to sleep.

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