Chapter 6 - Private Lessons

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AFTER Noctis, Ignis, and Gladio had left, your parents insisted that you tell them what had happened while they were gone.  You weren't quite sure if it was because they were interested in what they had to say.  Or if it was because they wanted to make sure that nothing major had happened while they were gone.  Either way, to put their minds at ease, you told your parents about the conversation that you had had with them.  (Minus the yelling at the Prince part and the kiss on the check.  You didn't want them to take it the wrong way and get upset with you.)

But then after awhile, your parents said their goodbyes and headed out themselves.  They both had to go to work for a bit the next day before they could come back and check on you.  This left you, once again alone in your quiet room.

You sat there and stared at your phone for a moment as you looked at Noctis' phone number. You were excited and scared about going to the Citadel to see him once you got out of there.  You had only ever seen the building from a distance.  Never had you imagined that you would be going inside of the city's capital and ultimately, Noctis' house.

After a while, you decided to listen to music on your phone so that the room wasn't so lonely and quiet.  You selected your favorite playlist and hit the play button.  You smiled to yourself as the music started.  You then plugged your phone into the charger that was on the nightstand.

Next you walked over to the suitcase that your dad had brought earlier.  You couldn't wait to get out of the hospital gown and into your pajamas.  And since there wasn't anyone else in the room and you knew that the nurse wasn't coming anymore tonight, you decided to get changed right by your bed instead of heading to the bathroom.  You pulled the nightshirt out of the suitcase and set it on the bed.  Then you started to untie the straps that were holding the hospital gown up.

Little did you know that right as you untied the last strap, Ignis stepped into the room.  He normally would have announced that he was coming in.  But when he heard the music, he knew that you were awake, so he just entered the room.  He was looking down when he walked in and placed several bags on the ground, so he had no idea what you were doing.

That was until he stood up and turned around to close the door and he watched as you pull your arms out of the gown and shrugged it off your shoulders so that it fell to the ground. He froze in place for a moment as he stared at you as you stood there only in your underwear and bra. He had never seen anything so beautiful and sensual. He knew that he should look away. But he couldn't take his eyes off of your elegant curves. The soft orange glow from the bedside light shining off of your bare skin giving it a heavenly appearance.

He swallowed as he watched you reach back and undo your bra clasps and slide the straps off of your shoulders. His heart was racing as he quickly turned around so that his back was to you.

What the hell am I doing?  He angrily thought to himself as he felt his body responding to what he had seen.

I shouldn't be here like this.  He thought as he closed his eyes and forced himself to move back towards to the door and out of your line-of-sight.

Damnit! But why do I want to touch her so much? He thought to himself as his hands started to twitch as he fought with himself.

He placed his hand on the door jam and took a a few deep breathes.  He knew that he should leave the room.  But he was afraid that you might hear him closing the door.  So instead, he cleared his throat.

The sudden noise startled you and made you pull your nightshirt taunt against your head right after pulling it over your arms. This caused the fabric to rub against the bandage on the back of your head. The rub was enough to send a wave of pain through your head.

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