Cahapter 19 - Tryouts

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The next few days were filled with you either practicing with Monica or with doing laps in the pool while helping Noctis and Ignis work on their strokes so that they would be ready for tryouts, which was that night. You knew that everyone would be fine, but Noctis had still been nervous when you had talked to him last night. You understood why he was nervous though, he had never tried out for any sports before. But there was always time to try something new.

You anxiously stared out the window as you rode to the rec center with your parents. Since it was tryouts, your parents wanted to take you this time. They tried to always attend tryouts and every swim meet that they could. There was the occasional one or two, where either one, or even both had missed attending. But it was usually due to something that was out of their control. And those were usually the ones that required them to travel.

You had wanted to ride with Noctis and Ignis, but Noctis had told you that his dad was going as well. This part made you more nervous then the tryouts themselves. Especially since you hadn't actually seen the King since the dinner fiasco. But that was mainly because he hadn't stopped by during practice or training. But you just figured that he had been busy with other affairs.

You thought back to that night and the shock of realizing that Ignis and Gladio were actually employees, instead of family members to Noctis. You had never felt so betrayed before since they hadn't told you the truth. It had upset you so much that night, that you had had to leave the dining room right at the beginning of dinner. Only to end up with you getting sick in the toilet and resulted in you spending the rest of the evening in the ER. Which really sucked since you had just left the hospital a few hours prior to that.

You had been trying to forget that night ever since it happened. But now here you were, getting ready to face the King again.

Please six, don't let anything happen tonight. You thought as you closed your eyes and silently prayed.

Within a few minutes, your dad pulled into the parking lot of the rec center. As he pulled in, you noted how packed the parking lot was. This community recreation center was usually busy. But you had never seen the parking lot this full before.

"Well, so much for showing up early and getting a good spot." Your dad commented. "I'll drop you and your mom off at the door. Then I'll go find a place to park. It looks like it might take a few minutes to locate a parking space, and I don't want you to be late."

"Thanks dad." You responded.

"Are you sure honey?" Your mom asked with a worried look.

"I'm sure." Your dad said to your mom as he gripped her hand.

He then brought her hand up and gave it a simple kiss. "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Your mom gave him a nervous smile. He smiled back as slightly squeezed her hand. Then he released it as he pulled up to the front door and stopped by the curb.

"Good luck honey. Show them how it's done." Your dad said to you as you gathering up your bag.

"Thanks dad. I will." You smiled back.

Then you leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then you climbed out and joined your mom on the curb. As you both entered the building, your dad pulled off. You were very surprised by what you saw when you walked into the entrance. There were people everywhere. It made it almost impossible to get anywhere. But after pushing your way through the crowd, you and your mom finally made it up to the front desk to sign-in.

"I'm sorry Ms. (L/N), but the pool is closed to the general public today." The man behind the counter said.

"What?" She asked.

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