Chapter 39 - New Routine

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Noctis was floating in a sea of blue as the rumbling voice from Bahamut echoed through the air. Your tried to hear what was being said but the words all seemed to be jumbled up as they were being said. You could only catch a few words. 'Chosen king', 'many sacrifices', and 'sacrifice all' were the only words that you heard for certain. You tried frantically to hear anything else, but just as bahamut's voice became clear you felt your body drop. That was when you realized that you were now Noctis as he was dropped by Bahamut

"Now step into reflection." Bahamut said.

You felt like your body was falling, until you felt someone touch your face.

"(Y/n)?" You heard a distant voice say. "(Y/n)! Wake up."

Suddenly all reality seemed to hit you all at once and you shot straight up out of your bed. Your heart raced as you quickly looked around. You had half expected to still see the sea of blue that had surrounded you just a few moments before. But instead you were looking at your lavish bedroom at the citadel. You were taking deep labored breaths as you tried to calm back down. Then you looked over and saw the startled face of Ignis as he sat on the edge of your bed.

"It's alright." He quietly said as he searched your eyes as he watched you frantically look around. "It's just me."

You tried to steady your breathing as you looked around your room and saw that you safe and sound.

"What...what time is it?" You asked as you slowly looked at Ignis.

"3:00 am." Ignis said.

"3:00 am?!"  You stared at him with wide eyes. "Why in the world would you wake me up at 3:00 am?"

"Well this is usually when I get up for my training." He explained.

"Your kidding?" You said as you dropped your shoulders.

3am?!  Is he nuts?!  Who gets up at 3am to train?!  You screamed in your head.

"No. I'm not kidding. Now get up and put on some gym clothes. We'll start off in the gym this morning with some exercises." Ignis said as he stood up.

That was when you noticed that he was wearing light gray sweatpants with a matching hoodie. He was serious about this right now.  

With a deep sigh, you got up and got ready. Then you both headed to the gym that was right next to pool on the main floor.  And after about a hour of floor exercises and stretches, you headed outside for an easy jog around the whole perimeter of the citadel. Ignis said that he liked to run outside when he could, since it helped him remember the grounds better. You could see how this would help just by the route that he ran through the gardens and on the sweeping walkways that went around the front of the building and through the massive turn around. He explained the various areas as you passed them and seemed to be enjoying the quick tour that he was giving you.

Once you finished jogging around the entire perimeter, you both showered and headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast and your lunches. Ignis didn't interrupt as you prepared breakfast for everyone as well as your lunch. Instead, he just concentrated on making his own lunch for school. You both talked about the rest of the schedule for the day. You coordinated with each other on how you were going to get everything done considering you now would have studies to do for Korn as well as school now. But this would be without Ignis since he now had dive practice that he had to add to his already busy schedule.

As you were finalizing the schedule, you were serving breakfast to both Ignis and Korn. By time breakfast was over, all of you had agreed on the set agenda. Each morning would start off just like that morning. One hour in the gym, a jog around the grounds, shower and dress for school. Then it would be breakfast followed by making sure that you had everything ready for school.

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