Chapter 52 - Bus Ride

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The next couple of weeks seemed to be just business as usual, as everyone got wrapped up in the regular routine again. There hadn't been anything odd that had happened at school or at swim practice. Much to your relief. You didn't think that you could take any more excitement at this point. Truth being told, you were very happy that everything had become boring again. 

And at the moment you were just happy to hang out with Noctis in his room and study at the end of each night.  Of course once you were done with your assignment, you would usually join him in a couple of races.  Which he seemed to really enjoy.  Unless you were beating him of course.

Mind you didn't actually get mad at you.  But it was cute to see him get all serious as he leaned into it like you did as you both raced.  Only for the defeated one to fall back on the couch and groan.  All while the other was cheering their victory. 

And this would go on for a while. Or at least until the two of you would both turn in for the night. Which of course included the nightly phone call as you both drifted off to sleep.  It was always the perfect end to a busy day.

Ignis, on the other hand, seemed to be more distant then before.  Sure each day he would still encourage you, as the two of you exercised in the morning.  But that seemed to end the minute that everyone sat down to enjoy breakfast together.  All he did was quietly eat and glance at Noctis every once in a while.  Which made you always wonder what was bothering him.

The car ride on the other hand would always be filled with Ignis going over the schedule for the day with both of you and with whoever would be watching the two of you that day.  Which was something that was starting to become the same humdrum speech everyday.  But at least Noctis understood your boredom as he held your hand while you sat next to him.  He would always give you a smile as the car sped through the streets as it drove to the middle school first to drop you off.

During school, you ended up being so absorbed in your classes that you actually didn't notice anyone watching you as changed classes, or even your clothes as you dressed out for gym.  Ignis had told you that there was in fact someone there when you had asked him during lunch once.  But he also said that they were very well trained undercover agents that were assigned to you and Noctis.  So chances were that you wouldn't be able to spot them even if you tried.

But through it all, your afternoon training sessions were becoming easier and more fluid. In fact you and Ignis never had to say a word to the other as you quietly spared with each other. Your speed and style were now perfectly matched to each other. The two of you would fly through the various strikes and escapes as if you were performing a dance. You didn't think that there was a move that the two of you couldn't perform at this point.

"It still astounds me how fast you have been able to pick up all of this training." Ignis said out of the blue, Friday night before the swim meet.

You were getting ready to finish up the last afternoon training for the week.  And the training room was empty with the exception of you and Ignis. Gladio and Noctis had taken their training outside to work on some warp strikes and escapes. You were relieved that it was Noctis' turn today and not yours. Last time you did that training with Gladio, he had caught you off guard and had knocked you back about 10 yards. Your ears rang for a full day after that.  And so did his when Noctis yelled at him. Not that it seems to bother him though

"Well, that's because I have a great coach." You responded as you took a drink from your water bottle.

"Ahh. Flattery."  He said before he took a drink himself.  "That is a nice way to distract your opponent."

"How do you figure that?" You said then took another drink before you set your water bottle back down.

"Well it's quite simple." He said as he set his water bottle down, then walked over to you.

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