Chapter 50 - Close Encounters

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After climbing the stairs up to the sleep quarters, you both decided to stop by each of your rooms first before checking in on Noctis. Ignis wanted to drop off his bag and you wanted to change out of your dress. When you arrived at your room, you smiled at Ignis as he quickly walked up and pushed the door open for you so that you could walk in.

"The door thing only applies to everyone else. Not me." Ignis said as he looked at you, as you stood by the door.

"Not according to your uncle it doesn't." You corrected as you grabbed the door.

"Well in that case." Ignis said as he stepped forward and placed his hand on the door above your head and pushed it back against the wall. "From now on, when he isn't around, I shall get the door for you."

Your breath caught as he stood right in front of you and stared at you with his deep green eyes. He slightly smiled back at you as he gestured for you to enter your room. But you couldn't seem to move as you started to become lost in his heated gaze. And your heart was racing to much from it to concentrate on anything but him. Let alone try to move.

"I shall come gather you, once I have changed and dropped off my bag." He said in a deep tone as he took a step back so that you had more room to move. "If you should need me, I shall be right next door in the next chamber room.

"Okay." You quietly said as you took a shaking step towards your room.

Then you turned and took a deep breath as you headed into your room. But what you didn't realize, was that Ignis had also taken a deep breath as you walked away from him. It seemed that even though both of you were too nervous to take that next step in your relationship, your bodies seemed drawn to it. In fact they both practically screamed for it.

You paused once you got into your room, as your head suddenly became somewhat clear again. How is it that he has that kind of affect on me? And why do I feel like I'm missing something?

"Are you alright?" You heard Ignis ask as he watched you practically freeze in your steps after you entered your room.

You quickly looked back at him and saw that he was perfectly calm as he looked at you. It was almost as if nothing had happened between the two of you all night. Which you knew wasn't true. But his calm and almost disconnected look, made you start to doubt it yourself.

How the hell does he do that? Is he really not affected like I am? Or am I seeing things? You thought as you tried to smile back at him as you fought to calm your heart back down.

"Yeah." You said as you dropped your gaze.

You had to break your gaze, otherwise you would never be able to walk away. "I'm fine."

"I guess I'm just a bit tired is all." You finished as you turned away from him and walked further into your room.

"I'll be back in a moment then." Ignis called after you as you moved out of sight from him.

"Okay." He barely heard you say.

Ignis dropped his gaze as he released the door and headed to his room. This could prove to be difficult for us.

Especially if she feels the same thing that I do every time we touch. Ignis thought as he walked down the hallway and entered the chamber room that was between yours and Noctis' room. I just hope that Noctis doesn't figure it out. I would never hear the end of it if he did.

Your whole body was slightly shaking as you walked over to the wardrobe so that you could grab some clothes. How was it that he had that kind of effect on you? Did he feel it to? Or were you the only one? These thoughts were racing through your head as you opened up the wardrobe.

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