Chapter 55 - Captured

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"I did what you asked!" You heard a distant voice shout. 

"Now let them go. Let my parents go!" The desperate voice sounded like a very familiar woman's voice.

You tried to open your eyes as you fought back against the drowsiness that was threatening to take over again.  Then you tried to move your arms and legs.  But you quickly figured out that your arms were restrained behind your back and your legs were tied together. Then you tried to moved your mouth to try and talk. Only for you to realized that they had a gag over your mouth to keep you silent. You tried to shake your head and move your mouth as you desperately tried to remove the cloth from your mouth.

"That's not up to me to decide sweetheart." You heard hauntingly familiar man's voice say that sent chills down your spin. 

It was the last voice in the world that you expected to hear. And it scared you to the core. Since it was a voice that you only heard in your worst nightmares.

That can't be......... that can't be him..........he died.........oh six please...... tell me its not him.................he died........HE DIED!!!! You screamed in your head as you forced your eyes open.

When you could finally focused again, you saw Gwen standing there talking to a guy who was wearing all black.  You were all outside of the school and she was back the wall of the auditorium.  He had his back to you as he talked to her.  But it still made your heart pound as you watched them.

"But you said..." She desperately pleaded as she grabbed his shirt.

"I said that it would be easier to persuade the boss." He returned as he pushed her back. "I never said that you were going to get them back."

Gwen flew back at him and started hitting his chest with both hands.

"YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" She shouted in his face.

He quickly grabbed her by the throat, which made you jump.  Then you heard her start to choke from the pressure as she desperately grabbed at his hands.

"I never said that you were going to get them back. You stupid bitch."

Fuck!  He's gonna kill her. You frantically thought as your heart started pounding.

You quickly started moving around as you desperately tried to get loose. That was when you realized that you seemed to be in the back end of some type of van. For you saw the doors and heard the suspension on the van start to creek as you rolled around on the floor as you tried to loosen up the ropes.  The motion was enough to catch his attention.

He turned his head and faced you. Your heart stopped as you immediately recognized those cold blue eyes and hard face. He slightly smirked at you before he turned his attention back to Gwen. You laid there in frozen still as you watched him lift her up in the air by her neck.

"Now see what you did." He said in a deep menacing tone as he lifted her about a foot off of the ground and started squeezing her throat.

"You woke up the special guest!" He shouted as he threw her up against the school's brick wall.

Then he turned towards you and slowly started making his way to you. You watched as Gwen slowly slid down the wall in an unconscious heap. Your heart immediately started pounding again. Then you faced him and started frantically trying to get out again. But to no avail.

And you were too freaked out to concentrate enough to summon your bow this time.  He gave you a seductive smile as he stepped up to you.  Then he grabbed your hair and pulled it back so that you were forced to face him.  You gave a muffled groan as he did.

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