Chapter 36 - The Promise

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You weren't quite sure what to do with the food that was still on the plates from your earlier failure. So you just set the plates off to the side for the moment and you carried the rest of the dirty dishes to the dish washing area. You were pleased to see that the citadel had a set up like the one your brother used at the Galdin Quay restaurant.

There had a large sprayer that hung over a tall silver counter that surrounded a very large deep sink. Then the counter extended around and joined up with a large conveyor dishwasher that sat near the end of the counter. It did surprise you a bit that the citadel had such a large kitchen set-up for just the royal family though. But then you figured that it was probable where they would also prepare all of the meals for the special events that seemed to always be going on at the citadel as well.

You carefully placed the dishes in the sink. Then you pulled out a dish tray and sat it on the counter for putting the dishes in once you had rinsed them off. You only had a few, but you knew that there would be more once breakfast was finished. But you wanted to get these done before starting again. After a quick breath, you turned on the water and proceeded to rinse off the few dishes and place them in the tray to wash after everything else was done.

Once you were finished, you turned back to the counter that held the plates. You stopped before them and removed the lids and saw that not one of them had been touched. Your heart dropped at the thought, for you hated to throw away good food. To you it was nothing more than a waste. But with a sigh you picked one up and moved it over to the garbage can so that you could dump it.

"(Y/n)?" You heard from the door. You froze as you looked up and saw Ignis as he walked in. "Look, about breakfast.....?"

"I'm about to restart it now." You said as you looked back down at the plate in your hand as you dumped the contents into the garbage.

"Aaaah." He quickly said as he saw the food leave the plate and fall into the can.

"What?" You asked as you set the plate down and grabbed the next one.

"I was going to say, that I don't mind eating what you had already prepared for me." He said as he walked up to you.

You stopped with the plate still in your hand as you looked back at him with a questioning look. "But it's cold now?"

"Yes." He confirmed.

"But we can still heat it back up." He said as he took the plate from your hand and set it down on the counter.

"I would just hate to see all of your work go into the garbage." He said with a gentle smile as he gestured towards the garbage can.

You smiled back as you dropped your head and looked at the remaining two plates. "I appreciate that. But we both know that cold eggs don't taste very good, especially cold over easy eggs."

"Your right on that part." He said as he leaned up against the counter. "But it's amazing how a simple heating lamp can bring them back to a suitable temperature. I personally would only completely redo my uncle's plate. I, myself, would like to eat what you have already prepared."

"Thank you Ignis." You said with a slight smile.

With that Ignis showed you the heating lamp so that you could put the remaining two plates under the hot lamp to safely heat them back up without burning the food. Then you grabbed the items that you needed to redo one whole plate. Ignis stayed in the kitchen with you to keep you company while you cooked. He didn't interfere in any way. But it was nice to just have someone to talk to while you prepared the food. You didn't talk about anything in particular, it was mainly small talk about the kitchen and the staff that work it.

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