Chapter 49 - Hidden Feelings

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Next thing you knew, you and Ignis were both being embraced by Marge. She had tears in her eyes as she was hugging each of you with one arm. You shyly smiled as you met Ignis' gaze. He slightly smiled back as he tried to hide his frustration.

"Let go of them Marge, so that they can come in." Jim said as he walked up behind her and slowly removed her arms from the two of you.

"Please, come on in." Jim said as he moved himself and Marge out of the way so that you could enter the building.

The four of you were walking through the foyer as you headed for the private quarters when you heard the bell for the elevator go off. You glanced over and saw Korn step out as well as King Regis and Noctis. They had been talking when the door first opened up. But the minute that they saw you and Ignis, they seceded. Korn and King Regis both gave you a very concerned looked as they stood fast for a moment.

Noctis on the other hand, the second that he saw you, he gave you a relieved look. Then in a hazel of blue, he warp straight over to you. You initial jumped back from him as he suddenly appeared right in front of you. But then he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to his chest.

"Thank the gods." He silently whispered in your ear as he held you firmly against his chest. "I'm so glad your home."

You slightly smiled as you wrapped your arms around him as well. "So am I."

Then you glance over at Korn and King Regis as they approached you. Their looks made you stop dead in your tracks. Noctis slightly squeezed you as he felt you stiffen in his embrace. Then he slowly released you enough so that you could see Korn and King Regis.

"I'm glad to see that you both made it back safe and sound." King Regis said to you and Ignis as he stopped right in front of you.

"Yes indeed. And I'm glad that you had told me about the incident at the school earlier today. Otherwise, this might have had a different outcome." Korn said in a very serious tone as he looked at you and Noctis.

You dropped your head as you recalled the earlier conversation with Korn about what you had seen at the school. Noctis pulled you close again and started to rub your back. You glanced up at Noctis and saw the fear in his eyes as he searched your face. You gave a quick smile before you dropped your gaze again.

He really is concerned about me. You thought as you laid your head against his chest.

But then you felt your heart crack as you remembered kissing Ignis in the car. And for the first time, you felt conflicted. You liked Noctis. Like, really liked Noctis. You could almost call it a crash, if he hadn't shown you the same in return.

But then here was Ignis, smooth, intelligent, well groomed, a true example of what a real retainer should be. And he seemed to like you for some reason. But was it love or lust? You couldn't tell since your body reacted almost by instinct to him.

All you knew was that you couldn't be with either of them. Noctis, considering his status, was total out. And even the possibility of being with Ignis, actually made you nervous. You were afraid of not being able to live up to his expectations. Especially since he was a lot like his uncle.

At the moment though, you couldn't help but to wonder if the next part of the conversation was going to make things even more difficult for you. And part of that you figured would be more changes to your already drastically changed routine. It was bad enough that the morning runs were out. But did this also mean that everything else is out as well?

"Shall we move this to the sitting room?" King Regis said as he gestured towards the hallway.

"I want a moment alone with Ignis." Noctis said in a cold voice as he tensed up under your fingers.

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