Chapter 54 - Choir Concert Preparations

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The early morning sun came shining into your room from the open balcony door and was shining right in your face as you were laying down. You slowly opened your eyes and looked around.  Then was when you realized that you were still wearing your warm-up suit as you laid on top of your bed with only a blanket covering you up.  You couldn't help but to slightly smile as you moved the blanket off to the side and attempted to get up.  But as you went to roll out of bed, you were stopped by an arm as it came around your waist and pulled you back down onto the bed.  Then it pulled you up against them as they spooned you and tucked their head against your neck.

You heard a quiet exhale as you felt their gentle breath on your neck as they fell back to sleep again. You smiled to yourself as your wrapped your hand around his and curled up with it. He tightened his grip on your hand and pulled you closer to him. You closed your eyes again as you relaxed against him. You laid there and enjoyed his comfortable embrace as you recalled his slow, gentle message that he had given you the night before.

You had never had anyone message you like Noctis had, as he gently rubbed some of the pain cream on your back.  His slow, tender touch had been calming enough to put you into pure bliss as your whole body relaxed under his slender fingers.  And it appeared that his gentleness had been enough to make you fell asleep from his fingers carefully massaging your skin. But even though he had focused on the areas that were still showed signs of the previous trauma, as well as the new injury on your lower back from being slammed into the bus stairs, you didn't feel any pain as he held you close.

That was until you felt the dull pain in your abdomen again. You sighed to yourself. It seemed that the medicine that you taken the night before had worn off.  And your body was very angrily reminding you of the fact that you had started, as the pain started to kick in again. You looked over at the night stand and saw the pill bottle sitting there beside the opened bottle of water from earlier. You smiled as you looked at it.

I can't believe that you remembered. You thought with a smiled as you  looked at the bottle.

You recalled the bedroom at the cabin when Ignis had brought you medicine and the hot-water bottle for your cramps.  Noctis had been there the whole time.  And he had even comforted you then as he laid with you while you slept.  It seemed like a life time ago now.

You sighed as you dropped your eyes.  That was the day that everything changed.  For a day that started out so well, it had certainly ended in a terrifying way.  If you had known how that day was going to go.  You would have suggested that they came with you.

But you knew that there wasn't anything that you could do about it now.  You deeply exhaled as you tried to stay calm.  But you couldn't help but to remember as you looked back at the bottle again.  And as you went to reach for it, you suddenly had a flash back and heard your mom voice.

"(y/n)? Are you ready? You don't want to be late."  You heard her sweet voice say.

"Mom?"  You asked out loud as you swear that you were looking at her again as she came down the hallway and towards you. 

"Mom." You heard echo behind you.

You quickly looked behind yourself.  And suddenly you were standing in the second floor hallway of your house, looking at yourself as you stood in the doorway of your bathroom.  But how was that possible?  You shook your head as you tried to make sense of it as you watched yourself speaking to your mom

"Do you have any pain killers?"  You asked as you stood there holding your abdomen.

"Oh. OH!" You heard her say as she suddenly walked right through you.

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