Chapter 7 - Citadel

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THE next day brought with it a lot of alone time. Except for seeing the doctors who had wanted to run some final tests just to make sure that you would be okay to head home. You were starting to wonder if your head was going to glow from all of the scans that they were conducting. These were not the easiest either, especially if you have never had to stick your head into a tube that is inches from you face. The lights and noises alone from a MRI machine were enough to leave you shaking. Now you aren't claustrophobic or anything. But that doesn't mean that you like to have something like that in your personal space.

Once all of the tests were done, you had to wait for the results to come back. This took the longest since they didn't seem to want to talk to you without your parents being present. They had told them over the phone, but they wouldn't talk to you until they were present. But they did at least remove the bandages though, so you no longer looked like a train wreck.

By time your parents arrived, you were ready to go. No news is good news right? They hadn't mentioned that you were going to have to stay another night. This should also mean that you could go back to school. Which means that you could go see Noctis at the Citadel.

You were dressed in your school uniform again and you had your backpack, suitcase, pillow and blanket on the floor by the door so that you could grab them as you walked out of the room. You were sitting on the bed playing a game on your phone as you waited for your parents to finish talking to the doctor. They were all standing just outside of the room.

Oh, hurry up already. You thought anxiously. Just how long does it take to get discharged?

You tightened up you grip on your phone as you felt your heart start to race. You weren't sure how much longer you were going to be able to wait before making that phone call to Noctis as you rode back home. And it wasn't just about seeing the citadel for the first time. It was actually more about seeing Noctis himself that you were truly excited for.

You hadn't talked in so long. And there was so much that you wanted to share with him. Plus there was some much that you wanted to do with him again. Of course you hadn't really realized it until then. But you had really missed being able to hangout with him like you use to.

Finally they entered the room to talk. You looked up and gave them a smile as you quickly hoped off of the bed and walked over to join them. You really didn't care what they had to say. Just as long as it meant that you could get out of there.

"Well there's our anxious patient." The doctor said as you came up. "I imagine that you're ready to leave us aren't you?"

Now whatever gave you that idea. You thought as you watched he push his glasses put on the bridge of his nose.

You stared at him as you watched him.

Did he just......? Nah, that's just silly. You thought as you slightly shook your head as you looked away from him.

"I'm just ready to get everything back to normal is all." You told him as you looked at your parent. And get the chance to finally hang out with Noctis again.

"Yes. Well that was the original plan. But I'm afraid you will not be able to go to school just yet." The doctor said as he looked at your chart.

"What do you mean?" You asked as you looked back to him.

"Well, the tests show that you have improved. But we're concerned that spending a whole day at the school might be a bit too much for you just yet. This being said, it has been decided that you will be staying with us for the next two days." He said as he put the chart down and gave you a slight smirk.

Seeing your shocked face, he chuckled out loud. "I'm just kidding. You won't be staying here."

"Then why would you say that?" You almost yelled at him.

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