Chapter 53 - Stay Close

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After lots of 'thank you's and plenty of 'you guys were amazing's, the three of you were finally able to make your way to the back of the bus again. You were still shaking from the adrenaline rush from protecting the bus as you followed Ignis and Noctis  as you head back to you seat. Ignis and Noctis both sat down and tried to get comfortable again as the bus flew down the road. But relaxing was apparently not something that was going to happen. For the next thing you knew, you saw headlights flying up to the bus. The blood drained from your face as the highlights got closer and closer

"Guys," you started as you stared out the back window, "I think we got company."

Both Noctis and Ignis quickly stood back up and leaned on their seats as they looked out the back window at what you were staring at. Right behind the bus and catching up fast was a black car. It was quickly gaining on the bus as it flew across the pavement. You looked closer at it as it got within 100 yards of the bus. Then you saw someone starting to climb out the front passenger window of the car.

"Shit!  Everyone get down." You shouted as opened back up the emergency door again.

As the door flew open, you knelt down on one knee, braced your foot against the door jam, and summoned your bow. You watched as the person sat on the door. You then carefully aimed for the grill of the car and where you assumed was the radiator. The person on the door saw this and pulled out their gun.

You took a quick breath when you saw the gun aimed at you. But then in quick succession, you fired three arrows at the car. The first one stuck right in the center of the grill , but then the driver swayed the car so the last two just bounced off.  This caused their passenger to violently bend backwards as they lost their grip. Which caused them to drop their gun as they frantically grabbed at the door frame. Then the driver quickly swayed back over which caused the passenger to slam against the side of the car.

"Shit!" You shouted again. "I only got one to stick."

"I got this." Noctis said as he slipped out from his seat and stood behind you.

You leaned back against the floor and rolled off to the side. Noctis leaned down as he focused on the car.  Then in one swift motion, he chucked his sword right at the grill of the car.  You then gasped as you blinked and only saw a blue mist.  Which made you quickly sit up and look out the door.

Noctis planted his feet on the car as he drove his sword deeper into the car's engine.  The driver gave a horrified look as he glanced down for a moment.  Only to look back up at Noctis with fear in his eyes.  Noctis slightly smirk as he leaned closer to the car and made his sword disappear.

"NOCT!"  You shouted as you quickly stood up and ran to the door.

Your heart stopped when you saw his sword disappear.  Then before you knew what you were doing, you warped straight over to him.  You felt your feet hit the car and your hand touch his arm.  Then you blinked and looked at Noctis.  His stunned reaction seemed to be reflecting yours as you gapped at him.

Suddenly the driver quickly veered the car to the left as he tried to shake the two of you off of the hood.  You grabbed Noctis around the waist and turned back towards the bus.  And a split second later, the two of you were slammed onto the floor of the school bus.  The second you landed, you heard the screech of a tire.  

You both turned and looked out the door and saw Ignis standing in the door way.  And that was when you watched Ignis chuck a dagger right at the front passenger tire, causing it to blow.  Then you watched the passenger tire caught the pavement sideways.  Immediately the car started flip quarter panel over quarter panel as it continued it's fast pace down the road after the bus.

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