Chapter 56 - Unanswered Questions

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The next morning, Noctis was sitting on the bench in the garden.  He had been there for a while as he absently stared at the water fountain in front of him as he held one knee to his chest.  The stray birds were happily chirping as they flew around the two-story glass enclosure.  And the air was filled with the beautiful scent of flowers.

But Noctis didn't notice any of it.  All he could think about was the phone call that had woken him up....

"The hospital just called my uncle.  Gwen is awake."  Ignis had said over the phone.  "We're heading over there now to talk to her.  I'll call you later and let you know what we found out."

She better have some answers.  Noctis thought angrily as he tightened up his grip on his leg.  And they had better be some damn good answers.


Ignis was sitting in the hallway of the hospital with his uncle as they waited to go into the room and talk to Gwen.  When the hospital staff had called Korn and said that she had woken up, they had left the condo almost immediately and headed over to the hospital.  It had only taken Ignis a couple minutes to get ready, since he hadn't been able to sleep a wink since the concert. He just couldn't relax. The events kept constantly replaying in his head as the unanswered questions were constantly running through his mind and prevented him from falling asleep.

Finally the door opened up and a young male doctor walked out.  Ignis and Korn both stood up and walked over to meet the doctor. 

"You can see her now."  The doctor told them in a quiet voice after the approached him.  "Just try not to upset her too much.  She has a concussion and is still a bit disoriented from her injuries."

"We just need to ask her a few questions."  Korn said as he tried to reassure the doctor.  "But we'll keep it quick so that she can get some rest.  And you know that I wouldn't be asked if it wasn't urgent.  There's another life in the balance and she is the only one who knows what happened.  So right now, every second counts."

"I understand."  The doctor said as he nodded his head. "I just hope that she remembers something useful for you.  Head injuries can be a bit unpredictable since it can cause some memory loss."

"Hopefully that won't be the case this time." Korn said. "And besides, if she can provide us with any information at this point, we would be grateful."

"Of course." The doctor said as he pushed his glasses back up on his face with his middle finger.  "And please let me know if you need anything else from me."

Ignis gave the doctor a curious look as the doctor lowered his hand. The motion was all to familiar to him.  Mainly because he and his uncle both did the same thing. But it was more in how he did it, that made him curious. It was almost as if Ignis was looking in a mirror as he watched the doctor.

Do I know him? Ignis thought as he slightly narrowed his eyes.

"I'll still be here for another hour or so, as I finish up my rounds." The doctor said as he started to walk away. "Just have the nurses page me if you need me."

"Of course.  And thank you for you assistance doctor." Korn returned.

"Anytime."  The doctor called over his shoulder with the wave of his hand as he continued to the nurses' station.

"Come on Ignis." Korn said as he turned around and looked at Ignis.  "Let's go."

"Right behind you."  Ignis said as he followed his uncle as they both started to head into the room. "Do we know him?"

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