Chapter 24 - Blades or Daggers

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You stood there for a moment as you stared at the blade as it stuck out of the target. Even though your body was still tingling where Ignis had held you in his hands, so that he could position your body for throwing the blade at the target to begin with. You turned your head so that you could look over at Ignis. He stood there with a slight smile on his face as he looked at you. You could still see a few dark traces left his eyes as he looked at you.  Which even that was quickly disappearing as he watched you.

"Try throwing the last two now." He quietly said as he nodded towards the target.

You smiled back at him as you nodded in return. Then you looked back towards the target and took aim again with the next blade. Then with keeping the same stance you flung the blade at the target.


Your heart skipped at that delightful sound. You smiled even bigger as you let the last one fly.


Your heart practically jump out of your chest at the sound. Then you heard clapping. You stood back up as you turned towards Ignis and saw that he was clapping with a smile as he looked at you.

"Very well done." He said as he placed one hand on his hip as he smiled back at you.

But you noticed the clapping continued. This time though it was coming from behind you. You slowly turned around and saw that Noctis, Gladio and even Cor where clapping for you. You stood there in shock for a few minutes as you glanced around at each of them.

"You weren't kidding when you said that she was a quick study Ignis." Cor said finally as everyone stopped clapping. "You keep that up and you'll catch up to Ignis in no time."

"How did you.....?" You asked as you gave Cor a questioning look.

"What?" Cor asked. "You didn't think that you would be here if the adults hadn't talk about this before we decided to conduct this training, did you?"

"Well I........"  You started but trailed off as you felt the heat rise up in your cheeks.

Cor saw your face and started laughing.

"It's alright. You're doing just fine. Just keep training.  Alright?" Cor said with a smile, before he turned back to Noctis and Gladio. "Alright your highness, let's see how well you can defend against Gladio."

You smiled over at Noctis, as he gave you a nervous look before turning his attention back to Cor. You laughed to yourself as you shook your head at Noctis. Then you turned back to Ignis. Only he wasn't right beside you anymore.  Instead he had walked away and was walking up to the targets so that he could remove his blades from the target. 

You followed suite and started to retrieve your blades as well. You noticed that Ignis was quiet though as he carefully gathered up all of his blades.  Then as you were still gathering yours,  walked them back to the line. Then he sat them down in sets just to the side of the line so that he could see each one of them.

You watched him as you carefully removed the blades from the stumps like he had done. (You didn't want to ruin the fun by destroying the stumps to early in the training.) But you were a bit worried that something was bothering Ignis. He didn't seem to be as into it as he had been a few minutes ago. He almost looked stressed as he focused on the blades as he examined each one before he set them down in the grass. You slowly walked up to him once you had all of the blades in your hand again.

"So now what are we going to go over?" You asked as you tried to get him to focus back on you and not just the blades in front on him.

"There's nothing else to show you." Ignis plainly replied without looking at you. "Just keep practicing your throwing at the target and try to work on your aim."

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